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Slowly, I awaken. Light is shining through the windows, revealing it to be later in the morning. I turn to gaze at Ivy who is nestled in the crook of my arm. Her face is lax with sleep, her hair spread across my shoulder is raven ringlets. For the first time in a long time, I feel content…happy.

Her eyelids begin to flutter open, and she smiles sleepily at me, her green eyes vivid in the freshness of the morning. “How do you feel?” I ask. “I hope you aren’t having any second thoughts.”

Ivy’s fingers play with my chest. “No. You?”

I caress her shoulder. “Not a one.”

She raises up on her elbow, the sheet falling to hint at the edge of her nipple. I brush it away to expose it to my full view. “What time is it?” she asks.

Rolling over, I grab my watch. “It’s almost nine. Anita’s probably wondering what’s become of me by now. Fortunately, I don’t have as many meetings scheduled with it being so close to the holidays. I think my first one is at one.”

Ivy stands up from the bed. I watch her naked form as she gracefully crosses the room to the bathroom. “Do you have a robe?” she calls out.

I almost wish I didn’t. It is a bit cold, though, I realize as I push the covers aside. “I’ll get you one.” I find one of my smaller ones and give it to her. It still swallows her when she puts it on.

Ivy strikes a pose. “How do I look?”

“You looked better with it off,” I say as I take her in my arms, nuzzling her neck. “I wish we could sleep in…make love again.”

She smiles up at me. “We still have to finish up decorating. There’ll be time then.”

“I thought we were done,” I reply, puzzled.

Ivy grins impishly. “We just got the tree done last night. There’s more to do. By the time Christmas is here, this place will be decked out!”

“What have I gotten myself into?” I muse aloud.

Her eyes become hesitant. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to assume. Of course, last night was last night. You have a busy life,” she says as she steps away from me.

Realizing that she’s misunderstood me, I pull her back into my arms. “I didn’t mean it like that. Of course, I want to see you again. That isn’t it at all. Do you have plans tonight?”

Her face clouds. “I have a final Thursday and another Friday. They’re the last before Christmas break. I really need to study.”

Immediately, I feel guilty. “I hope I didn’t take you away from studying last night. I know that’s important, too.”

Ivy smiles. It’s her turn to reassure me. “Tomorrow is one of my easier classes, and Friday’s shouldn’t be too bad, either. I’ll be fine. I’ve never been one of those who leave studying off to the last minute. Maybe we can celebrate my being done with them Friday night?”

I hate the thought of having to wait to see her until then, but I agree. “That will be good.”

“George,” Ivy says, her voice cautious. “I think it’s best if we keep our relationship secret for a little while. Uncle Owen works for your company, and I know he won’t approve.”

I nod in understanding. “I don’t doubt it. It may be difficult considering that you live with him, but we can try.”

She reaches up to kiss me lightly on the chin. “Thank you.”

“Isn’t he going to wonder where you were last night?”

Ivy groans aloud. “He should be at work by now, but I’m sure I’ll hear about it tonight. I texted them that I was studying with a friend, but I didn’t say I was going to be overnight.” She blushes. “I was so tired after we…well, you know. I fell asleep without letting them know I wasn’t coming home last night.”

“That should be interesting,” I comment dryly.

When Ivy leaves to go home, I take a shower and head to the office. I’m glad to leave my penthouse and go to work. Without her there, it feels sterile again.

Once I get to the office, Anita buzzes me. “I have Owen Reynolds waiting to meet with you.”
