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“So what do you want to do today?” I ask Ivy when she arrives at the penthouse. It’s Saturday, so we have the whole day free. Slipping my arms around her, I give her a light kiss, catching the faint scent of her perfume. “Today’s your day. You name it!”

Her eyes twinkle merrily. “There’s a Christmas Market at Central Park this weekend. Why don’t we make a day of it?”

“Your wish is my command. Anything you want.”

She quirks a mischievous eyebrow at me. “Anything?”

Why do I suddenly sense that I’m in trouble? If it makes her smile, though, it’ll be worth it. “What do you have in mind?”

“We are going to do all of the schmaltzy Christmas traditions I can think of. It’ll be so cheesy, you’ll have to laugh. For starters, you need an ugly Christmas sweater.”

“I may have a Christmas sweater stashed away.” Lord, I hope I do! I’m terrified to see what she might come up with.

Her look is skeptical. “If you have an ugly Christmas sweater, I’ll eat my hat!”

“Does it have to be ugly?” There is true fear in my voice now.

Ivy nods happily. “The uglier the better! Oh! And we have to do Christmas karaoke. I saw a pub advertising it for tonight.”

“If you want to sing, I’ll listen, but I’m not doing karaoke. That is where I draw the line.”

She gives me a reproachful look. “You said anything I wanted. Youpromised.” Standing up on her tiptoes, she places a suggestive, breathy kiss on my ear, flicking the lobe with her tongue lightly. “Then, you can have anythingyouwant.”

I hear myself caving. The things we do for love, and I’m beginning to think Idolove Ivy.

When we arrive at the park, the festivities are in full swing. Children are lined up to have a last chat with Santa, and a choir is off to one side singing Christmas carols. Booths are set up selling every Christmas item a person can think of, as well as craft workshops set up for kids and adults. I promised Ivy a day of Christmas unlimited. This is certainly a good place to start.

Ivy sees a booth selling ugly Christmas sweaters, tugging on my arm and dragging me toward it. “Ooh! There they are! I bet you can’twaitto see what I pick out for you.”

“Wait a minute! Oneyoupick out? What have I gotten myself into?”

Her laughter is unapologetic. “You didn’t think I was going to let you choose, did you? Silly boy!”

She holds up one that is decorated like a Christmas tree with a fuzzy garland, bright red balls, and all. “What do you think?”

Do I tell her how hideous it really is or do I use reverse psychology? “Not bad.”

Ivy gives me a skeptical look, clearly on to me. “I guess I’ll have to look for something worse.”

She succeeds. The next one boasts a fake fireplace, complete with stockings and colored flashing lights across the mantle and orange ones for the fire. A lump begins to form in my throat. “I think I’m in trouble.”

Ivy’s eyes widen in sadistic glee. “I see another one. Oh, boy!”

This one has a reindeer head with antlers and a nose that pokes out and is surrounded by a cottony circle of snow. The red nose lights up and flashes on and off as it makes a loud buzzing sound. “Ding! Ding! Ding! I think we have a winner!” she cries triumphantly.

“Are you sure about the first one?” I try in a Hail Mary attempt. “I think that one’s uglier.”

Ivy shakes her head. “It is, but it isn’t as obnoxious. Nope! This is the one!” She gives me a wink. “You can wear it tonight when we go sing Christmas karaoke.”

I guess I should be grateful she isn’t making me change into it here at the park. I don’t dare say that out loud, lest I give her any ideas. I’m learning…

“What about you?” I ask. “Don’t I get to pick one out for you? Turnabout’s fair play.”

Ivy’s face becomes uncertain, realizing that the tables are turning. She pulls out one with a snowman. “I think this will work.”
