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‘And your clients – has anyone asked if they can take over the books?’

‘Hah.’ It was a high-pitched sound that cut through Nola like glass. The pain must have showed on Nola’s face, because Maggie hastily rearranged her features and had the grace to look sheepish. ‘Sorry. No. I’m afraid not. I did contact a few people I know, but most of them are in the same boat, looking for a way out, not looking to make their own ships even more likely to sink.’

‘So, that’s that,’ whispered Nola. She was officially without an agent. The only connection she had to the world she so desperately wanted to be a part of had been severed and there wasn’t a thing she could do about it.

‘Oh, darling, maybe it’s time to give up on it, don’t you think? I mean, I told you from the start, it’s a dog fight just getting that first job and then from there, for as long as you’re trying to get work, every single round of auditions, it’s like you’re starting over every time. Perhaps you could see this as your chance to try something new or different?’

‘But I don’t know what else to do,’ Nola wailed. ‘Don’t you see? This is the only thing I have that’s worth anything to me.’

‘Oh dear, I knew this would happen eventually.’

Nola stared at her. ‘What does that mean?’

‘It means that you haven’t been listening to me, over the years, when I’ve tried to manage your career.’

Nola snorted. ‘What career? Since I was dropped from the soap, you got me one job in an advert that still bloody haunts me and paid enough money to get my hair styled and take a couple of days’ holidays in Barcelona. That’s it!’

‘Well, I tried to manage your expectations, planning for the eventuality that has turned out to be the case. I have suggested a million times over that you go back and get some sort of formal training: hairdressing, make-up, costume design or even mending—’

‘I thought you meant go back and take more acting classes!’ Nola sobbed again.

Now it was Maggie’s turn to stare at Nola. ‘Why on earth would I suggest that?’

‘Because you’re a bloody actors’ agent! If I’d wanted to be a hairdresser to begin with I wouldn’t have come knocking on your door, would I?’

‘Look, you’re upset, but this isn’t the end of the world. You have to see it as a new beginning.’ Maggie got up from behind her desk and placed Nola’s beret on top of her head and shepherded her towards the door.

‘I was coming over to suggest that we try and pitch me differently, and now it’s all over. My life is over,’ Nola said between heaving sobs.

‘For goodness’ sake, don’t be so melodramatic,’ Maggie snapped. ‘It’s just a job, and not even that most of the time. You need to get on with life. This thing, this career that you’ve set your heart on, it’s clearly not for you.’ Nola stood in the doorway, tears rolling down her cheeks, her dreams disintegrating before her eyes. Maggie looked at her now, held her eyes before she spoke. ‘Listen to me: you’re not an actress anymore. You had your shot, and now it’s over. It’s brutal, but better to hear it now than in a decade’s time. Go home, Nola, make a new plan and start living a life that has a chance of leading you somewhere better.’
