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Asa crossed the porch and took the stairs at a clip. A less charitable person might accuse him of running.

“What does this mean then?” I held up my wrist and pointed at it. “Asa.”

Without glancing back, Asa climbed into the SUV, belted in, and locked the doors.

Locked. The. Doors.

As if that would keep me out if I really wanted in.

Only after the SUV turned off my driveway onto the main road did he text me the answer.

>>The bracelet wards off other males in my absence.

>You slapped a chastity belt on me?

Turning my wrist, searching for the knot he had vanished, I couldn’t help but admire the intricate design.

And that was when I noticed what else he had done.

>This is your hair, isn’t it?

>>Have fun trick-or-treating, Rue.

I was still fuming when Colby emerged from her room with droopy antennae and sniffles.

“They’re not gone forever.” I glared at my wrist. “They’ll be back before you know it.”


“I swear it.” Asa was going to remove this bracelet, and then I would strangle him with it. “So, Marie?”

“You’ll still take me?” Her expression brightened. “Even though Clay and Asa aren’t here?”

“Now you’ve got me craving chocolate.” I rubbed my stomach. “You only have yourself to blame.”

“I found the perfect dress.” She shot toward her rig. “Let me grab the link.”

While she skimmed open tabs, I sent Arden and Camber flowers and balloons from the hospital gift shop. It was the least I could do since visiting hours were over for the day. I would have to drop in tomorrow.

An unknown number lit up my phone’s screen, and I stepped onto the porch to take the call. “Hello?”

“I understand congratulations are in order.”

Gooseflesh raced down my arms. “How good of you to call, Director Nádasdy.”

“Please,” he said, all jovial good cheer, “call me Grandfather.”

“I would rather not call you anything.”

A tense silence hung between us, in which I heard the layers peeling back to reveal what lay beneath.

“Elspeth, I have been more than generous in my dealings with you.”

“You were very generous with your cane when I was younger.”

More of his façade crumbled in the quiet. I heard it in the uptick in his breathing.

“I sent it,” Colby called out behind me. “Did you see?”
