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A harsh intake of breath on top of my head caused the big man to blush clear to the roots of his wig.

Today he had chosen a conservative style, by his standards, brown with blond streaks in a messy cut.

“He said a bad word,” Colby whispered, delighted. “Rue won’t let me say bad words.”

“I apologize.” Clay winced. “I shouldn’t say bad words either.”

“You’re old.” Her wings twitched in a shrug. “You can say whatever you want.”

Flattened against the wall by Clay’s bulk, Asa fought a smile. “What will you have for breakfast?”

Out of necessity, Colby kept her social life online. It took her a second to register he was talking to her.

“I ate before we left.” She stomped my head. “Don’t forget, you promised me hot chocolate.”

“With extra marshmallows.” I rolled my eyes. “I haven’t forgotten.”

Before we got down to business, Ms. Hampshire bustled over to take our orders.

Unsurprising, Clay ordered more food than we had room at the table, which worked, since Asa only ordered a black coffee. I went with bacon and pancakes, their daily special, and an orange juice.

“I’ll get that hot chocolate out to you in a minute,” she promised. “I have to find the marshmallows.”

This time of year, this far south, I doubted many orders came through for hot chocolate when it was iced sweet tea weather. But she always made a point to keep the supplies on hand for my cravings.

Thankfully, it held up well on the ride home, the only place Colby could enjoy her treat.

Once we were alone again, I pressed my palms onto the table to hide their trembling. “I’m in.”

“We’re in,” my hair bow informed them. “We’re a team.”

“In exchange for my—our assistance—I request that the Bureau drafts me a new contract that specifies I will only work for Black Hat on a case-by-case basis as a consultant. This town will be my permanent address, until such time Colby and I decide we no longer wish to live here. We expect to be left in peace, barring necessary communications that pertain to potential cases.” I aimed my stare at Asa. “I have a business to run and obligations to this community. Our demands are nonnegotiable.”

They had their hooks in me, and we all knew it, but maybe I could determine how deep the barbed edges pierced this new life of mine.

“We don’t have the authority to approve or deny your request, but we’ll hand it upline and see what the director has to say.” Asa rubbed his thumb in the bowl of his spoon. “Perhaps by tonight.” He studied his reflection. “Will you have dinner with me? As an apology for my earlier rudeness?”

“Like a date?” Colby tap-danced on my head. “Rue never dates.”

The agent lifted his piercing green eyes to mine. “Is that so?”

“He meant the four of us.” I ignored his question, and her excitement. “A business dinner.”

“I’m leaving after breakfast.” Clay cut Asa epic side-eye. “I won’t be back until tomorrow.”

“I have to study,” Colby said primly. “I’m working toward my GED.”

“Impressive.” Clay’s eyebrows climbed up his forehead. “I don’t have one of those.”

“I want to go to college.” Her tone dared them to tell her she couldn’t do it. “I want to be a lawyer.”

“There are educational grants available to Black Hat agents and their families.” Asa regarded her seriously. “They might be able to help Rue offset those costs.”

“No thanks.” I wasn’t allowing them that much access to Colby. “I’m happy to pay out of pocket.”

Her attention span was impressive, considering her mental age, but she bounced around a lot, as all kids do. Last week, she wanted to be a vet. This week, a lawyer. Next week, who knew? All that mattered to me was she believed she could do anything she set her mind to, wherever that road took her.

“Here you go.” Ms. Hampshire appeared with two other girls in tow. “Breakfast is served.”
