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Few things set my soul at ease as much as coming home. It didn’t matter if I had been gone for a week, a day, or an hour. I experienced the same rush of ohthankgoddessI’mbackwhereIbelong every single time I pulled up the driveway and saw my little house, on my little plot of land, in my little town.

Knowing Colby was safe inside? Within our wards? Comfy at her rig?


As Asa threw the SUV into park, Moran and two other females rushed to open the doors for us. I wanted to wave them off, to tell them we could do it ourselves, but I had to take it slow with them. A lifetime of conditioning wasn’t going to wash out in a day. So, I smiled, thanked them, and tamped down my guilt.

About to offer them refreshments, I threw out a hand for balance as the world tilted under my feet in a vertigo spin that reminded me of…the rose delivery. The way reality twisted around me and only me.

No. No. No.

I was not dealing with this today.

An explosion of heat fanned my spine, and I whirled to find the last thing I wanted to deal with.

Orion Pollux Stavros, High King of Hael, future FIL, and royal pain in my butt smiled at me.

In his hands, he held out a tray of cupcakes from the fancy bakery Asa used to send me treats.

Up to this point, I had been annoyed with his sense of entitlement. Now the violation as he stole a thing that belonged to Asa and me alone tempted me to immolate him.

“You’ve returned my gifts.” He ignored his son, convincing me ash was a good look for him. “I’m hurt.”

Too tired to play, I strode toward him with my hands empty and down at my sides where he could see them. I didn’t want him to tense before I got close enough to slap yet another Band-Aid on yet another problem in our ever-growing stack.

Among them the fact Stavros might not be able to track me while I wore the choker/pendant/grimoire, but he knew where I lived, and the y’nai were quick to tattle my arrival. Their loyalty to Stavros was the only excuse I could fathom for his immaculate timing.

“I don’t have time for this.” I accepted part of the weight of the tray. “I don’t have time for you.”

Maybe he thought I was flirting. Maybe the words didn’t fit my actions. Maybe he was just an idiot.

Grip firm on the corner, I spoke the words Asa taught me to get rid of unwanted gifts.

The cupcakes, and the daemon king holding them, vanished.

Gasps rose behind me, and I turned to find Moran and the others watching with slack jaws.

“Don’t you ever get tired of him being all I’m a sexy king, come have my babies?”

Crickets sang in the distance. A frog or two joined in. The warriors before me? Not a peep.

“Really?” I stared at them. “No one?”

“They aren’t in a position to ignore the high king,” Asa reminded me. “They may not be magically bound to obey him, but they have no choice if he commands them, as his subjects, to his bed. Whether or not they agree with you, they will never refuse him.”

“Good point.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I’m happy to tell Stavros he’s an asshat enough for all of us.” I dropped my arm. “Blink once for yes. Keep staring for no.”

They kept staring, which was disheartening, until I noticed tears gathering in the corners of their eyes. I had the privilege to tell Stavros where to stick it. (Hint: Not in me.) I also had the power to back up any threats I made to him. These females, they didn’t have that option.

“I need to grab a shower.” I dipped my chin. “Aedan will be in touch.”

Cheeks warm, I made it halfway to the wards before a light tap on my shoulder brought me up short.

“Moran?” I blanked on her title, but I remembered her name. Progress! “Can I help you?”

“I…” Her eyes glistened. “Thank you.” She set her jaw, and they cleared. “I will remember the look on his face until the end of my days.” She took my hand and bent over it, pressing it to her forehead. “I am yours to command, Princess. Ask it, and it will be done.”
