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“You have no idea.” Parish thrust his hands into his pockets, the picture of calm. “Life was simpler then.”

“Food tastes better than ever, plus you can pay people to cook for you, so you’ll have to forgive me if I disagree.”

A faint tingle in the back of my mind confirmed my familiar was nearby, and she was working magic.

“Where are the others?” Parish glanced up and down the street. “You’re never alone.”

“We’re all alone, in the end.”

As the lament settled into the space between them, Clay broke into a run, pumping his arms, aiming for Parish.

Their bone-jarring impact made my heart squeeze. Before Parish landed his counterstrike, light exploded from the trees. A hair-thin bubble of iridescence expanded to encapsulate them within a shimmery ward that would protect the innocent from their brawl.

Good call, smarty fuzz butt.

Drawing in a full breath, as if readying himself to spew fire, Parish instead burst into his dragon.

Brilliant red and gold scales glittered across his massive body, and his wings arched high overhead. Horns ringed the crown of his skull, and spikes lined his tail. He watched Clay through narrowed yellow eyes, almost luminescent in the streetlights, and his voice rolled like thunder across the pavement.

“You would dare?” Another gulp of air, and Parish spat fire at Clay. “Burn, golem.”

Had Asa not wrapped me in a bear hug from behind, locking me in place, I would have run straight to Clay. As it was, I gave serious thought to stomping Asa’s foot or jolting him with magic to break free.

“Fire won’t harm him,” Asa reminded me. “He can survive anything as long as his shem remains intact.”

Survive it? Yeah. But it would hurt.

The torrent of flames lasted only so long as Parish had breath, and then he was left panting for air.

Meanwhile, Clay was…

“If you wanted to see me naked—” Clay dusted ash off his chest, “—all you had to do was ask.” He touched his scalp. “Damn it, I liked that wig.” He folded his arms across his chest. “It made me look taller.”

“He’s buying us time.” I squirmed in Asa’s grip. I couldn’t help it. “We have to help him.”

“That’s not what he’s doing.” Asa released me and yanked me to my feet as he stood. “Look.”

The sky above us roiled with churning clouds and streaks of lightning. Wind picked up, buffeting Parish’s wings until he snapped them shut to avoid being blown backward. His roar was deafening as he reared onto his hind legs, swiping at the barrier until his claws left visible marks.

Enormous wings that stank of rot and copper exploded into view as Colby’s freshman attempt at solo warding failed, and the creature at their center folded them in tight then dove straight for the dragon’s open maw.

“That’s my dad.” I ran toward them. “Good goddess, what is he doing?”

Forget Clay and the daemon’s roughhousing back home. This was a true clash of titans.

And no magic protected the citizens caught out in town from having front row seats.

The black magic spell Dad used to conjure his wings expanded until his size rivaled the dragon beneath him. As a piercing shriek rent the night, I conceded he resembled a giant bird of prey more than a man.

Wicked talons spread wide, he dove and sank them into Parish, ripping open his side.

An indrawn breath tore my focus from the battle as I sought the source behind us.

“Look, Momma, look.” A small boy pointed at the brawl. “Are they filming a movie?”

“I don’t…” Her voice trailed off as she got an eyeful of the scene unfolding. “Come on, Wren.”

“Don’t let them leave.” I shoved Asa toward them. “Round up anyone else who saw and contain them.”
