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“While pop music will always be near to my heart,” Landon answered, his words snapping her back, “Harper and I have been working on some new tracks with an acoustic rock sound.”

A low murmur simmered in the hall as the news of Landon’s shift in musical genre had people raising their eyebrows.

A girl a few rows back waved. “Does that mean you’ll have a new album coming out?”

At the young woman’s question, titillating excitement zinged through her body. The songs they’d written were good. No, they were works of lyrical and melodic mastery, and she couldn’t wait for the world to embrace their new sound.

Their sound?

Or was it his sound?

Knock it off, girl.

“That’s the plan,” Landon answered, playing it a lot cooler than she was. Had she answered, there was a decent chance her shrill and insanely disconcerting opera voice would have burst the audience’s eardrums.

“This question is for Harper,” a woman toward the back called. “You’re married to a famous singer, and we heard you sing during the first Bake or Bust Challenge.”

“Okay,” she replied, feeling her nerves kick in.

“Do you have plans to record and perform your own music?”

“Um…” She hesitated.

What the hell was wrong with her?

The answer was yes. Yes, she’d dreamed of being a star until…

Until a douche nozzle and the memory of a crumpled envelope made her doubt herself.

“We’ll have to see what the future holds,” she stammered and wanted to punch herself in the mouth. She could feel Landon’s gaze, but she didn’t meet his eye.

This isn’t you, Harper Barbara.

She wasn’t timid and soft-spoken, or maybe she was when it came to striving for her goals.

But before she could give her pathetic answer another thought, a woman with dark ringlets framing her face raised her hand.

“I have a question for Landon Paige,” she chimed. “What’s the most challenging part of being a famous musician?”

And for the second time in under ten seconds, anxiety rippled through her chest.

How would he handle this question?

Would he lay it all on the line and disclose his struggles?

Her stomach tightened into a twisted knot.

Was Landon about to come clean and let the world see the real person behind the pop star facade?
