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“That’s some rock,” Penny remarked.

It was. At nearly four carats, she couldn’t believe Landon had chosen the glittery ring.

The Luxe Grandiose wedding experience was like sprinting through the world’s most expensive sparkling maze. It was a one-stop marriage shop. They’d started with rings and sealed the deal with a kiss.

All it had taken was a few signatures and the swipe of Landon’s credit card, and ten minutes later, she was Mrs. Paige.

It was a microwave marriage with a hefty helping of bling.

But when Landon had proposed with the diamond, then slipped a smaller platinum band that matched his onto her finger two minutes later during the wedding ceremony surrounded by a circus of smashed strangers, she’d felt a serene sense of balance, like standing in the eye of a hurricane when the wind and the roar dissipate and all that’s left is a captivating calm.

“It’s Vegas. It’s a go big or go home city,” Landon replied as the girls admired her ring.

“Are you going to stay married?” Libby asked.

That was the million-dollar question.

Landon returned the ring to its hiding place, stuffed his hands into his pockets, pulled them out, then fidgeted with his cap. “Yeah, about that…”

They couldn’t stay married.

She knew this.

He was a musician, and she wasn’t about to allow another crooning Casanova to break her heart.

But that didn’t stop an icy chill from prickling through her veins.

She steadied herself. “There’s no way we—”

“Christ, that’s a lot of glitter,” Mitch remarked, cutting her off.

The hothead, the nerd, and the beefcake were still glued to Rowen’s phone with their jaws on the floor.

“What is it?” Libby asked.

“What are you watching?” Penny pressed.

The men clamped their mouths shut as an airy woman’s voice emanated from the phone, followed by a chorus of sensual moans.

“It’s a Bang Bang Barbie glitter party.”

Thanks to her, the guys were watching Bang Bang Barbie porn. Now there’s something you don’t see at a housewarming shindig.

“All that glitter must be a real bitch to clean up,” Mitch said, when a stampede of footsteps muffled the sparkly porn star’s sexy sighs.

“Rowen, turn it off. The kids are coming,” Penny called.

The man fumbled with his phone as Phoebe, Sebastian, and Oscar charged through the kitchen, then skidded to a halt once they hit the patio.

“We want to play, too,” Sebastian said, grinning from ear to ear.

“What are you talking about, mate? You didn’t hear anything inappropriate. I can guarantee that,” Raz said, turning the color of a ripe tomato.

“Aren’t you playing cops and robbers?” Oscar asked, holding up his camera and scanning the mortified adults through the viewfinder.

“Yeah, what’s the bang-banging?” Phoebe asked, making little guns with her hands and pretending to shoot into the air like a little Annie Oakley.

“There’s no banging going on whatsoever,” Rowen stammered, pocketing his phone.
