Page 20 of Legal Trouble

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“Sí, señora.”

“As well as French,” Noah added.

Mrs. Whitlow’s smile widened. “A woman of brainsandbeauty. I like you already, and please, I insist you call me Esme.”

Noah pulled Emma close and pressed a kiss to her temple. “It may take her a while on that last part,Mamá. Took me five days to get her to call me Noah.”

“Guilty as charged,” Emma admitted sheepishly. God, this situation was too surreal.

Noah motioned to his father. “Papá, have you met Ms. Morgan?”

“I believe so, yes.” The older Mr. Whitlow rubbed a hand over his graying ginger beard. “You were part of the Cunningham settlement, correct?”

“Yes, sir,” Emma answered, surprised he remembered her. “That was the first case I worked for Whitlow Group.” She’d settled the case out of court with the least number of zeros she could finagle on the check Whitlow Group had written.

“David was impressed with the way you handled the case,” said the older Mr. Whitlow. “And he’s not easily impressed.”

“Thank you, Mr. Whitlow.” Emma fought to temper pride with sadness. “David and Mary have both been such great mentors, and I hope he recovers and returns to work because I’m not ready to lose his guidance.”

“I’ll make sure and pass that sentiment along tomorrow when I speak with him. I’m sure he’ll be pleased to hear it. And please, call me Junior. All my friends do.” He gave Emma a wink, and she fell a little in love. The man was positively adorable.

Junior turned to his son. “Before we head inside and are gobbled up by the festivities, I need a quick word with you. I received a call from Phillip while we were on our way here.”

Noah’s hand bunched into a fist at the small of Emma’s back. She turned to him, but before she could speak, Esme looped her arm through Emma’s.

“Come, Emma. Let’s let our men talk while I begin introductions. Don’t worry, though, there will not be a quiz on all the names.”

WatchingMamáwalk into Isadora’s with Emma didn’t terrify Noah, but it should. The fact it didn’t had an itch starting between his shoulder blades, but like with so many other thingsEmma, he’d have to get used to the unexpected.

Papáclamped a hand over Noah’s shoulder. “Ya know, son, if you looked any more longingly after her, I’d think you were in love.”

“No comment. Besides, you didn’t keep me out here to talk about my love life. What new terrible thing does Phillip think I did now?”

Papásighed and turned so that they stood side by side, the familiar scent ofPapá’saftershave a soothing balm, a mix of cedar and spices. “Phillip claims that by not agreeing to meet with Ethan tonight that you weren’t taking the Lone-Star Tech lawsuit seriously, and that we should immediately drop you from management consideration.”

“Oh, is that all? And here I thought it was something major.”

“That’s pretty much what I told him. He knew perfectly well tonight is Isadora’s birthday party.”

“Ethan came to see me earlier, asking to meet about the fundraiser, and I even reminded him aboutAbuela’sbirthday. I also offered to meet with him tomorrow, but we’re…” Noah took a deep breath and chose his words carefully. “We’re still having trouble connecting.” Noah considered askingPapáif he knew of this mysterious Sara, but this wasn’t the time. This wasAbuela’snight. “I take the Lone-Star Tech matter extremely seriously, but I freely admit that I’ve been a bit more distracted this week than usual.”

“Does that distraction come in the shape of a curvy lawyer with auburn hair?”

Only in a big, big way, but Noah didn’t dare give his parents any more fodder than they already had. “I was thinking about sitting down withMamáandAbuelaand getting their insights on ways to make the fundraiser more authentic. You, too. That way, I could come at it from several points of view.”

“Smart idea. I’ll pass it on to Cathy, just so that she knows you’re not dismissing it, not that I think she does. She was genuinely pleased with your idea. Your aunt has complete faith in you.”

“But Phillip still thinks I’m an unqualified screw-up, a dirty-blooded Mexican half-breed who’s a detriment to the company and the Whitlow name.”

Papádidn’t speak as a car drove past, music blasting, something with too much treble and not enough bass. “I’m sorry he’s so terrible to you. Heaven knows I’ve tried to reach out to him.”

“It’s not your fault,Papá.”

“But he’s my brother, and he hurts you. Your mother, too. She’s the love of my life, and my own brother treats her like garbage. The things he said to her,abouther—”Papástopped and shook his head as if warding off something vile he didn’t want to remember. “For a long time, he didn’t think you were my son. He kept accusing your mother of having an affair, that you had no Whitlow blood. It was a rough time for everyone. Cathy came to me about voting Phillip out of the company. I’m telling you this now, not because I want to stir up dirt, but because I don’t want you to give up on Ethan. I don’t know what’s going on with him, but I don’t sense Phillip’s mean in him.”

Noah glanced sideways at the man who’d raised him. “I didn’t realize Phillip was so terrible to you, too. I’d assumed it was justMamáand me.”

Papáshrugged. “Same difference. If you or your mother hurt, then I hurt. Simple as that.”
