Page 28 of Legal Trouble

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“I’m not taking chances with your safety. End of story.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m not taking chances withyou.”

The conviction in his voice carved his initials right into her heart.

Just breathe.

Emma sat beside Noah in the back of one of Whitlow Group’s corporate sedans. Her earlier shock and adrenaline were wearing off, and fear was trying to take root. Bishop might not have hit her in the purest sense, but his actions had been violent. He was the first person to commit violence against her since her father had gone to prison.

Bishop had hit Noah, though. Because he’d stepped between them, Noah had been hurt. He hadn’t been shot like Preston, but hurt was still hurt.

She took Noah’s hand and squeezed. He was okay. He was here. He was alive. He wasokay.

Noah leaned close. “You’re shaking again.”

“I’m fine,” she lied, but instantly backtracked. “Okay, I’m not fine, but Iwill be. I just need to settle.”

“Understandable.” He wrapped an arm around her and drew her into him. “I need to settle, too, so if you’re game, I’d like to take you horseback riding. There’s this clearing where I like to go, nestled between the forest and a creek. The entire area is brimming with wildflowers, and I’d like to share the spot with you.”

“Sounds perfect, but...” She motioned at her suit. “I’m not exactly dressed for horseback riding.”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of everything.”

Swamped with emotions, she nodded.

He pulled out his cell and began a quick-clipped conversation in Spanish. He spoke about picnic supplies and clothes, but when the car made another turn, she stopped listening to the discussion.

A wrought-iron fence wrapped a sprawling estate in a safety barrier, and she leaned against the window to get a better view of the mansion and its land. The structure blended aspects of the Mexican countryside with old-American money. A multitude of windows, in varying shapes and sizes, along with exposed wooden beams gave the appeal of a Spanish villa. Flower beds sat everywhere, around the house, the drive, the walkway leading to the barn.

The driver eased to a stop at the gate. As he input a code into the keypad extending up from the earth, Emma noted a single word shaped into the metal archway:Sagrado. It was the Spanish word for sanctuary.

Talk about appropriate.

When they reached the driveway, she all but leaped from the vehicle. She had to see more! The sweet smell of flowers mingled with the musty aroma of earth and hit her like something from a dream. To the right, a barn pushed up to a white picket fence and the garden it encapsulated. No, not a garden. This was a floral oasis, and it called to her like a siren called to Greek sailors.

Clumsy in her heels, she hurried over the cobblestone walk leading to the bright blooms. The gate wasn’t locked, so she went right in. Stopping underneath an arching trellis of brilliantly violet clematis, she lifted her face to the sunlight and inhaled the beauty. Oh, how she wished she were more versed in the flowers around her. She recognized some peach Angel Trumpets, purple Wisteria, Morning Glory, and oh, honeysuckles! The yellow and white blooms grew along the back of the fence, between the garden proper and the pasture.

“Spectacular,” Noah said.

“No, magical. I don’t know how you can ever leave the grounds.”

“I wasn’t talking about the grounds,Bomboncita.” Fingertip to her chin, he lifted her to him as he leaned in for a quick kiss. “But I’m glad you like my home.”

“Like it? Noah, Iloveit.” She slipped her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek to his heart. “Don’t judge me if I pitch a tent here and never leave.”

When his arms banded around her, she closed her eyes and simply held on. If they stayed right here forever, in this perfect moment, that’d be just fine with her.

Pitcha tent here and never leave.

Noah couldn’t deny the thrill tickling his spine. It was way too soon to think about moving in together, and yet, here he was, rearranging things in his mind to picture what living with her would be like. And heaven help him, he liked what he saw.

What was wrong with him?

He hugged her tighter. Something primal had seized him in the courtroom. When Bishop had lashed out at her, a switch in Noah’s head flipped, and his only thoughts had revolved around her, of getting to her and making sure she was safe.

Today’s violence had given him the tiniest glimpse of the abuse she’d suffered as a child. The situation in court should have terrified her, and maybe it had. But the first thing she’d done after getting to her feet was go to him and make surehewas okay. Hurt and injured, she’d set her needs aside to check on him.

“Emma,” he whispered.

