Page 62 of Legal Trouble

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Hope tickled Emma’s spine, but she quickly stomped it down. “Not that I don’t appreciate what you’re trying to prove here, but he admitted it, Andi.”

“I know, it’s just…” She shrugged. “The entire board of Directors has been on site this week. Phillip Whitlow is pushinghardto give He-Who-Will-Not-Be-Mentioned the boot,andhis aunt looks to support the move this time. I know, I know, that’s not entirely unexpected considering, but then, security was called to the executive offices Friday to break up a fistfight.”

“Holy crap! Ethan and Noah? But I thought Noah hadn’t been in the building.”

“Not Ethan and Noah. That’s part of what’s got me so convinced something’s hanky. The fight was between Ethan and his father. I arrived just in time to hear Phillip call Ethan an ungrateful excuse of a son.”

“Well, holy crap squared.” Emma took a bite of muffin and mulled over the revelation. “Do you know what started the altercation?”

“Unfortunately, no. But just before I left Friday, Ethan came to my office and asked me to bring up the security data for the night of your fire. Specifically, he wanted to know if Noah’s badge showed him in the building between five-thirty and five-forty.”

“And did it?” Emma’s heart rate began a slow, steady climb.

“No. Both the badge and security feed show Noah exiting the building that day at five-twenty-seven.”

“If that’s the case, it means Noah didn’t make the call to Bishop.” Emma pressed a hand to her chest. “And if Noah didn’t make the call—”

No, she was getting ahead of herself again. He’d admitted nothing was real between them. Still, the lawyer in her needed more details.

“Did Ethan ask you to do anything else?” Emma asked.

Andi nodded. “To pull the video feed for floor forty-two, hallway B, and then leave him alone to watch it.”

“So, you don’t know what he saw?”

Andi shook her head. “Nope, but I’m dang curious.”

“Me, too.”

Andi wagged her dark brows. “Now, what do you say about getting dressed and going to solve a mystery?”

“I say, I’m all in.”

He missed Emma terribly.

Noah stood at the window of one of Whitlow Group’s extended-stay executive suites and gazed out at a dreary downtown Houston skyline. The rain-soaked city and gray sky were the perfect reflection for his mood.

He ran a hand through his hair.Mamáhad been right. He should have told Emma about Amanda, but like an idiot, he hadn’t. Now, he was paying the price.

He’d give anything to have another chance to tell Emma what he should have told her at the police station. Pain, guilt, and regret had tag-teamed him until they’d gotten the better of him. In a moment of soul-crushing pain, he’d lied to the woman he loved, demolishing the foundation of their relationship.

Why was he so good at screwing up the lives of the women who loved him?

He turned from the window and dropped onto the leather sofa in the ridiculously opulent sitting room. He hated it here, in this place of abundance and wealth. The suite felt as if it were trying too hard to show off its luxury, which made sense. That was exactly what the designers had had in mind, a place to show potential clients or investors what it would be like to be part of the Whitlow Group family of companies.

He wanted to go home, but reporters had camped outsideSagrado. Hell, he couldn’t even go to work until they settled this.Papáhad done his best to assure Noah that they’d sort this out and find the real culprit, but Noah was losing hope. He was innocent, but he sure as hell looked guilty. He couldn’t imagine how angry and hurt Emma must be right now.

“Call her,Mijo.”

Noah closed his eyes and leaned his head against the back of the sofa. “How do you know I’m thinking about her?”

“Because I’m yourmamá. I know these things.”

The faintest smile tugged at his lips. “It’s too late,Mamá. I screwed up. She won’t even take my calls.”

It was the coward’s way out. Yes, Emma hadn’t returned his calls or texts, but he knew where she was staying. If he could lose the reporters—and he could if he put his mind to it—he could go to her. He just wasn’t sure he could withstand the face-to-face rejection. Nor did he think he could withstand the hatred he might see on Emma’s beautiful face when she looked at him.

“I’m sure she misses you, too,Mijo, and if she truly loves you, and I believe she does, then she will understand when you tell her the truth.”
