Page 3 of Submit

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He didn’t even have to say anything for his presence to make an impact.

His long, slow exhale had her lifting her eyes to him. He hadn’t moved from his spot, but there was a strange expression on his face that she couldn’t quite read. “So you’re my temporary PA?” His voice was curt and to the point, and she straightened her shoulders.

“Yes, Sir.” He stopped and looked at her once again. A slight frown marred the space between his eyes, but it was gone as soon as it had made an appearance. He took a seat behind his desk and rested his forearms on the tabletop.

“Take a seat, Miss…”

“Winters. Blythe Winters, Sir.” She stuck her hand out and immediately regretted it when he looked at it strangely. She went to pull it away, but his bigger hand encased hers. His flesh was warm and smooth, and she felt her face heat with some uncomfortable feeling.

This man would be her boss for the next four weeks, and here she was acting like some kind of hormonal teenager. It was just a handshake for God’s sake. He held her hand a few seconds longer than what she always considered socially acceptable, and Blythe felt her cheeks heat even more.

When he did release his hold on her, she quickly clasped her hands together and placed them on her lap. He leaned back in his chair and continued to stare at her. She was starting to think she had something on her face by the amount of attention he gave her.

“Have you been briefed on your duties?”

She had left her purse and the envelope the receptionist had given her on the couch, but she didn’t go to get it. Of course, it wasn’t her fault that there was no time for someone to give her the details on what she was supposed to do, but she wasn’t going to admit that to him. Besides, she had a feeling he wouldn’t care about any excuse she gave him.

Before she could answer, he continued talking.

“My private jet leaves for Portugal tomorrow afternoon. A car will pick you up at four p.m. sharp. You’ll need to pack for the entire month because I am not sure how long my presence is needed in Lisbon.” His desk phone rang, and he picked it up and barked out, “Yeah?”

His deep blue gaze held hers as he listened to whomever it was on the other line. But then he broke the eye contact and turned his chair so he was no longer looking at her. Apparently, she had been dismissed.

Blythe stood, grabbed her purse and the envelope off the couch, and headed toward his office doors. Just as her hand curled around the brass, his deep voice stopped her.

“I expect you to be ready to leave when I send the driver tomorrow, Miss Winters. I also expect you to know my schedule inside and out. I don’t have time to explain the details of my every move. If you feel you can’t keep up, you need to tell me now. Do you understand?”

Her heart started to thunder behind her ribs, and she felt ridiculous. If this was her reaction to him after only being in his presence for ten minutes, how in the hell was she going to survive four weeks with the man?

He was a total control freak and major dick, but she reminded herself she desperately needed this job. Maybe she should just back out while she still had her sanity? He was already so demanding, and they had just met.

Blythe had a sick feeling he would only get worse the longer she stayed in his presence. Facing him once more, she opened her mouth, but to say what, she had no clue. One of his dark brows cocked in question, and she wondered how many people told him no. Probably not very many.

“Miss Winters, if you’re having any doubts, now is the time to speak up. I don’t have time for games, especially from an employee who is going to be working so closely with me.”

She snapped her mouth closed again because the reality was she needed this job and the pay she would receive. For only four weeks in his presence, the sum was substantial. Only a fool would turn it down, and she had been called many things, but an idiot wasn’t one of them.

“I understand, Sir. I’ll be ready and waiting for your car tomorrow at four.” She offered him a smile, but only a second later even that faltered. Did Dietrich Moore always have a perpetual frown on his face, or was it just she who placed it on there?

“Good. I have several meetings today and don’t have the time or energy to explain the details to you, so you can have the rest of the day off. No worries on your pay, though. You’ll get the contracted amount no matter the hours you work.”
