Page 19 of Heartstone

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I turned back to the spreadsheet, forcing myself to buckle down.I finally found the difference when I thought to turn an invoice over and found Flint’s scribbled additions to the total.I swear, he did it just to piss me off.The man was organized enough to run building and maintenance crews for a world-class resort, but he couldn’t be bothered to write neatly?

Well, two could play at that game.In fact, this was the game we’d been playing all our lives.I pulled up the maintenance records and noted that the septic tanks were due to be inspected.I used my admin powers to go in and change the next day’s duty sheet to put Flint on shit patrol.He probably wouldn’t check it before the morning, and once the schedule was up he’d never lose face by shunting the task off on one of his guys.I rubbed my hands together, imagining his face.

Satisfied, I went to get a fresh cup of coffee.The break room was empty, but so was the coffee pot.Huffing out a breath, I started a new pot, then shifted foot-to-foot as it burbled.

There was a coffee station in the lobby.Dominic, who ran all the food-and-beverage for the resort, had been very clear that it was for guests and guests only.But this was a coffee emergency.I didn’t have time to wait—I needed to get back to work.Besides, I could be sneaky.On my way to the lobby, I grabbed some cups and creamer to cover my tracks.

As I walked into the lobby, I automatically scanned to make sure everything was as it should be.Sunlight streamed through the huge arched windows that lined the lobby, though I was more interested in looking for streaks than admiring the leaded glass.We’d laid mats in the entry way to protect the keep the lodge-pole pine floors.Wood was stacked in the massive stone fireplace that was open to both sides of the lobby.Once the sun started to drop, we’d light it so that guests coming for dinner could enjoy a fireside drink in the lounge before their reservation.

I avoided looking at any of the guests waiting to check in.Tonya and Nancy were both behind the desk, and they could handle everyone.Under the guise of restocking the coffee station, I filled a surreptitious cup.

“Welcome to Twisted Pines Lodge,” Tonya boomed.As annoying as she could be, she was the best at making guests feel like she was genuinely delighted to see them.“How can I help you today?”

“I’m checking in.”

“What’s the name?”

I knew.Even before a chagrined female voice said, “Matthews,” I knew.

I whirled around, spilling my freshly-poured coffee on my khaki pants.My elbow clipped the compostable cups I’d just stacked along the edge of the table, and they tumbled like dominos.Nancy was wide-eyed and pursed-mouthed, trying desperately not to laugh.Tonya was grinning—I’d just given her another story to tell.And there, standing in in front of the desk, was Edie.

The sight of her hit me like a shock wave.She had one eyebrow up, and the opposite corner of her mouth was curled into a half-grin.She’d slicked her curls since the last time I saw her, and she was wearing subtle but effective makeup.But she looked just as poleaxed as I did.Clearly, she hadn’t been expecting to see me.

But then, why was she here?

My heartstone seared my wrist.I almost, almost, transformed, like a cub who’s just found his stone.

The smile dropped from Edie’s face, and she squirmed slightly as her pupils widened.Abruptly, she crossed her arms in front of her chest and turned back to Tonya.“I, ah, reserved a cabin.”

“Indeed you did,” Tonya said.Her eyes flicked between me and Edie, and I knew her gossip’s mind was spinning.She took Edie’s credit card and ID, scanning them both.“You’re out in Tourmaline.It’s a lovely one, right by the stream, you’ll love it.I’ll call a cart to take you out there—“

“I’ll take her,” I said.I’d cleaned up the mess I’d made while Tonya checked her in.With all the hospitality I could muster with a wet stain on the front of my pants, I went behind the desk and snagged the keys to one of the golf carts we used to shuttle guests around the property.“I’ll meet you at your car to load your things.”
