Page 57 of Heartstone

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“We secure all the food in airtight containers.And I guess I can tell you we take an extra precaution by having the crew pee around the area.Marking our territory, you know.Bears might be curious, but they’ll turn away if they catch shifter-scent.”

“Don’t they get hungry in the fall?”

“Oh yeah.And bears are smart, too—they’ll figure out a way to get into most anything.But they’re also smart enough to know that it’s a bad idea to walk into a wolf’s den and expect to walk out.”

I decided to trust his assessment and pulled back the flap to look inside.“Oh.This is actually really nice.”There was a twin bed made up with crisp sheets, a small table that looked like it might be collapsible, and a mock-gas lantern for light.

“We try,” he said.“Why don’t you get settled in?You can grab some snacks, mingle with the guests, or just relax, whatever.”

“Okay.Thanks,” I called after him.He grinned once more before he let the tent flap fall.

I tried the bed.It was comfortable and cozy.I thought about unpacking, but it didn’t seem worth it for just one night.I had brought a book, and I could have laid down and read for awhile until I was needed.But there was too much activity going on for me to just ignore it.

I stepped out of my tent—yurt—and took a picture to send to my mother.I had already snapped photos of a ton of flowers for her.I looked over at the mess tent, where the guests I’d ridden up with were already breaking into the beers that had been hauled up for them.There were some nice people, but I wasn’t especially interested in bonding with any of them.

I felt a frisson of energy and turned to find Jasper standing behind me.His smile took a second too long to fall into place.“I’m glad you could make it,” he said.

“Happy to be here,” I said, then cleared my throat so my voice wouldn’t be so breathy.“This is really amazing.It must be quite a production to get all this up here.When your mom said backcountry, I imagined that we’d be sleeping on the ground and cooking over an open fire.This is more like glamping than camping.”

Jasper gave me his most serious look.“Edie, for your own safety, do not use the word ‘glamping’ around Flint.”

I grinned.“Oh, does it irk him?”

“Why do you think we have him do the prep run?He can’t help but set things up perfectly, but he curses and swears the whole time he does it.”

“So he’s not part of the crew that stays?”

“No.The guests are needier than usual up here, which is not his style of customer service.Speaking of which...”he nodded to a woman who was anxiously waving for his attention.“I should get back to it.”

“Can I help?”

“No, no.You just relax.”

“Honestly, I’d rather have something to do.I know Dylan is filling in for Dominic.Does he need any help?”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t turn it down.Are you sure?”


He shrugged.“I won’t turn down a pair of willing hands.He’s over there,” he said, laying his hand on my shoulder as he pointed.

It was the same casual touch Dr.Barnes had used earlier, but when Jasper did it I felt every nerve in my body light up.I pressed my lips together.This is what I’d asked for—I’d wanted things to go back to the way they’d been before our afternoon by the Old Pine.But my body remembered even as my mind tried to argue that this was no more than normal attraction.

Dylan put me to work prepping scalloped potatoes, which were to be cooked in covered dishes in the roaring fire.He clearly shared his father’s facility with food.“How come you don’t work in the kitchen?”I asked him as he mixed a marinade.

“Too many people,” he said, practically gritting his teeth.

“Your dad conned you into this, huh?He tried to tell Melinda that you volunteered, but she didn’t buy it.”

“He didn’t want to leave her alone.And if this is the only way I can help take care of her, it’s not the worst thing in the world.”

“Excuse me,” a guests said.She seemed oblivious to the sharp objects and hot surfaces all around her.“Are you using a soy marinade?”

“Nope,” Dylan said.

“Because my son is allergic to soy.”

