Page 65 of Heartstone

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As if he had any right to be.I wasn’t putting myself out there for a man who couldn’t seem to tell me how he felt.I was becoming more and more certain that there was a key piece of information that he was hiding from me, but I couldn’t figure out what it was.

The only thing I’d asked of him was honesty.And he couldn’t seem to give it to me.

I stood up, pushing the chair into Jasper so he had to stumble back.“I’ve got work to do.”

“You’re not finished with your salad,” Jasper rumbled.

Looking him in the face was a mistake.The sparks of anger charged like lightning when I saw the heat in his eyes.“Oh, I’m done.”

“I was hoping we could talk,” he said.The corners of his mouth deepened, and I couldn’t help but think of the sweet, strong taste of him.At the same time I noticed his shave wasn’t as clean as usual, and his eyes looked tired.“I’ve been busy for the last few days, but I wanted to see how you were doing.Do you have a few minutes now?”

“I think we both have some time,” Ethan started, rising to stand beside me, but frowned as his phone buzzed.He looked at it and swallowed.“You know what?I should take this.Edie, you can fill him in, right?”

Ethan didn’t wait for an answer, just strode away raising the phone to his ear.

Jasper said nothing.He wasn’t much taller than I was, and I could look him right in the eye.“Your mother is the same as she was when you left.There, consider yourself filled in.”

“That’s not why I wanted to talk to you.”

The low rumble of his voice held me in place when I would have walked away.“Haven’t we talked enough?”

He licked his lips.“Okay.Let’s not talk, then.”

I narrowed my eyes at him.“Now?”

“I have a meeting at two,” he said, checking his watch.“Can’t miss it.If I try to wait until later, some fresh disaster will ensure that I have to work all night.Again.And I wanted to see you.”


He stepped an inch closer.The crowded restaurant fell away.“You know why.”

I swallowed.His eyes followed the motion, then flicked back to up mine.I nearly orgasmed on the spot.“Fine,” I said, trapped between arousal and frustration.“Fine, let’s get it over with.”
