Page 83 of Heartstone

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I was going to fail them all.

“I thought you’d put up more of a fight,” the wolfman growled as he strode up to me.“I guess we really are superior.”

My body was numb, useless.Still, I was wracked with pain at the knowledge that the people I loved were in danger.I couldn’t close my eyes as the wolfman approached, though dizziness kept threatening to suck me into oblivion.I didn’t want to cower to this monster.I skinned back my teeth, prepared to snap at him even in death.

Suddenly, a dark shape emerged from the tall grass near the road, moving low and fast.It was followed by another, and another.I thought it was a hallucination until three of them leapt at the wolfman, taking him down in a tumble of fur.

The wolves had come.

They moved like a storm cloud over the wolfman, tearing at him as he screamed.He spun, trying to throw them off, but the wolves acted as a team.He shook one loose, but two more wolves were ready to attack.He went to all fours when one of the wolves snapped at the back of his knee, and from there they had him.

By the time the other wolfmen realized what was happening, the pack was on them too.Micah’s yelps turned from fearful to joyous as he joined in the attack.He was bigger than the wolves, but they were more vicious.The didn’t hesitate to go for the softest, weakest part of the wolfmen to take them down.

Ignoring the carnage, I dragged myself toward Dominic.I nosed into him, afraid I’d find the scent of death on his fur.Instead, he groaned painfully.His eyes were rolled back in his head, but they were moving.

“This isn’t over,” Theo shouted.He’d pulled a gun out of a hip holster, and he was shooting it wildly as he ran.Two of the other wolfmen loped after him, leaving their companions where they lay.The wolves chased them, but as soon as they got to the SUV further down the road they peeled off in a cloud of dust.

The wolves sniffed at the two twisted corpses with disdain.One by one, they surrounded me and Dominic, who was still insensate.Micah was among them, eyes wide and blood on his muzzle.

When shifters hunted, they were coordinated and determined.It was nothing like the black wind of violence I’d just witnessed.For the wolves, their survival depended on each kill, and they knew how to be ruthless and vicious.Though I’ve always believed that shifting unleashed my beastly side, but being surrounded by wild wolves made it obvious how human I really was.

A wolf emerged from the pack.It was the same russet female who I’d seen when we were camping.

This time, she was the one doing the sniffing as I lay still on the ground.Seemingly satisfied, she circled me, pushing the rest of the wolves away.Then, carefully, she pressed her forehead against mine.

This time, I was ready.She showed me the cave again, though I still couldn’t see where it was.This time, the vision was right up at the mouth of the cave.A white wolf was edging closer, drawn by the familiar scent of shifter.One or more had passed into this cave, and all of them had been sweating and anxious.But there was another scent that drove the wolf away—the stink of chemicals, of fire and metal.

The reddish wolf sat back and looked at me expectantly.I blinked at her.She snuffed out a satisfied breath, then ran off and took the rest of her pack with her.

As soon as they were gone, Micah shifted back.“What the fuck just happened?”

I shifted back too.“Help me get Dom in the truck.We’ve got to get him to Edie.”

“It looks like you need some help too,” Micah said as he helped me lift Dom.He was still in wolf form, which was good—he’d heal faster that way.

I winced as a deep breath made pain stab through my side.“I’m okay.Okay enough, at least.”

“Get the the truck,” Micah said.“I’ll drive.”
