Page 29 of Hunting the Alpha

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Approaching him carefully, I shifted my bag onto my shoulder. “Are you following me?”

He shrugged. “It’s a small town. And I noticed the car from across the street while running errands. You’re lucky the Pretty Petal florist is only a few buildings away.” He handed me the flower. I took it, unable to resist putting it to my nose.

“I’mlucky, am I?”

“Very lucky,” he replied. “How about coffee tomorrow?”

“If I’m still here.”

“You’ll be here.”

“Will I now?”

“Yes. You promised. Remember?”

Smirking, I replied, “I don’t think IpromisedI’d go for coffee with you.”

“Ah, I see. Must be my brain. I’m getting on in years, you know. But surely you have it in you to humor an old man?”

He pouted, making me laugh. “Fine. I’ll have coffee with you. I’m sure I can carve some time out of my busy schedule to fit you in.”

“Midday? Calendar Coffee? It’s close to here.”

“Great. I’ll see you then.”

He didn’t move away from the car door. “Did you have fun in the library?”

“Yeah. Found a novel or two to pass the time. I might take a bath later. Curl up with one tonight. I also had a read of the town’s history.”

“You did?”

“Of course. Had to see what the mystery was all about.”

“And what did you find?”

“That someone called Donovan Darman founded the town over sixty years ago. Relation of yours, by any chance?”

“You could say that. See you tomorrow, Savannah.” He kissed my cheek. “I’m already jealous of the book you’ll be holding tonight.”

Leaving me standing there, I fought the need to call him back, wanting to confess all about my being here. Instead, I watched him go, unable to function until he’d disappeared from sight.

Needing a distraction, I threw my bag into the car and headed to the diner. I thirsted for more than a coffee. I wanted time to breathe, suffocating beneath something I couldn’t escape from without hurting someone.

Relieved to see Grace helping her mom by serving in the diner, I sat on a stool and grabbed a menu.

“What can I get for you?” Grace asked. She frowned at my expression. “What’s up?”

“I’m fine.” I exhaled, closing my eyes briefly. “Iwillbe fine. You know when you have one of those days?”

She smiled. “Tell me about it. Let me get you a coffee. What would you like to eat?”

“Something light will be great.”

“Anything you hate?”

I shook my head. “No. Anything will be good.”

“Alright. Leave it with me.”
