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I can sense Lena’s gaze on me as if she’s able to see into my head and read my thoughts. When I look up at her, there’s a frown on her face. “He never mentioned that.”

“Do you guys… are you together or something?” I try to keep the chill from my voice, because I have no right to be jealous, even if I can’t help it. Lena is gorgeous, smart, sweet. Why wouldn’t Davis want her? And hell, before this week I’d spent barely a day with Davis, most of it in silence on a long-ass road trip. Still, I can tell my brain or body—I’m not sure which one is leading this charge—to knock it off, but it doesn’t mean it’s going to listen.

Lena’s lips open in a perfect oh shape and she shakes her head. A slow, understanding smile works its way up her face and she’s struggling to contain it. Great, now I look like a psycho.

“No. Nothing like that. Davis... all those guys are like brothers. We grew up together. Besides, I don’t really do the dating stuff. Wild Haven is too damn small of an island and Archer will just go blabbing all your business around town.”

She moves back to her desk. There’s a lot of restless energy zipping around her, emphasized by the pencil she picks up and starts thumping on her desk. I get the sense she’s not hypothesizing about how nosey my new neighbors are. She knows firsthand. Now that the jealousy monster is calmed by her words, I can see how dating on this little stretch of land could be complicated.

“I am never telling him a secret.”

Lena snorts and rolls her eyes, tossing the pencil down on her messy desk. “Imagine having four of them chasing away anyone who so much as looks at you for more than a second.” Her beleaguered sigh says it all.

“What a bunch of dicks.”

“Pretty much.” We both laugh and the weird sense of camaraderie is back. “Anyway. Back to the Axis, there is one more thing that comes up over and over in the books that include the lore. When there is an Axis there has to be a catalyst.”

“Like an event that brings them all together?”

“Not quite. The catalyst is a person. From what I can tell an Axis is formed in times of need, but there has to be a spark that sets it off. I have no idea what that need is but from what all the stories say there is one person who starts the chain reaction that brings the group together.”

A jolt of something, anticipation or maybe nervous energy, ripples over my skin.

“It’s said that when an Axis forms it is made up of perfect matches, soul mates, life mates. The pair’s magic perfectly complements one another and they make each other stronger and better.” Lena gives me a wistful look. “Isn’t that a nice thought?”

I’m about to say that I don’t believe in soul mates or people who are fated to be together, but that’s not exactly true. Davis’s face flashes in my mind. Was it fate that brought us together all those years ago and then again here on Wild Haven Island? I don’t know what the right answer is, but can I chalk it up to coincidence that we’re now in each other’s lives? The one man who has graced my dreams for years, who I’ve never been able to get out of my system, even after one brief encounter.

“Do you think any of this is real?” It seems like a foolish question, talking about the Fae and some mystical coven thing their great, great, great grandchildren could form for some nebulous reason.

Lena hesitates. “All I know is that Anthony tried desperately to form an Axis, and it destroyed many of our parents’ lives.”

A chill slides down my spine. “Anthony Hatcher?”

Lena’s eyes flash up to meet mine. “I take it you’ve met him then?”

“Crap. I’m supposed to go to dinner at his house this weekend.”
