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This feeling in my chest is confusing me. Last night I slept all night, half of it with Miri curled into my side until she’d mumbled hot and shoved me away. Even that makes me smile. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so light before. Hell, I’m going soft. Who thinks things like that? Feeling light? I’ve lost my damn mind. Looks like my heart too. That feeling... I rub my chest like it might settle the fullness there. It’s... happiness. Miri makes me happy.

At some point, she shifted back to my side again. My arm is wrapped around her shoulders, and I find I like her there. Tucked against me, body tangled with mine.

“You didn’t make breakfast in bed for me?” Miri mumbles into my side.

My chuckle comes out with a low rumble. “I can’t be nice all the time.”

“I’m glad to see your full dickishness hasn’t completely evaporated. I’m not sure what I’d do if you had a personality change.” Her teeth scrape against my skin as she bites down lightly.

“Dickishness isn’t a word.” I trail my fingers down her bare arm, marveling that I can touch her like this.

“Thank you for proving my point.”

She can’t see me, but I’ve got another smile on my face. I don’t know how she does it, but I always feel better around her, even when she drives me crazy. Like I’m a whole person again. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt that way. It’s always been like that around her, I just refused to give in to the feeling, causing us both pain.

Miri’s fingers step up my side and she traces one of the tattoos on my ribs. “Can I ask you something?”

“Would it make a difference if I said no?” Her head lifts to look at me and she smiles when she sees the playful glint in my eyes. Her mouth turns to a frown, and I want to push that smile back onto her face.

“Anthony has tattoos like these. What do they mean?”

“They might be similar, but I doubt we have them for the same reason.” Miri settles her head back on my chest, giving me time to get my story out. “Lena found a book—”

“—of course she did.” Miri smiles into my skin.

“It was a book of runes. Supposedly Fae runes and their meaning. Ezra started tattooing me when we were in high school. I think they made me feel like I had control over something, even if they don’t really have any actual power.”

“Ezra did these?” I hear the surprise in her voice as her fingers trace over some ink near my hip, causing goosebumps to cover my skin at the touch.

“He’s a man of many talents.”

“I guess. And what do they mean?”

“A lot of things. This one is for protection.” I point to the one on my ribs covering a particularly nasty scar my father gave me. “This one is for strength, and these represent the four elements.” I point out the various inked spots of skin. Miri picks up my arm, pointing to a symbol on the inside of my forearm.

“And this one?”

I take a deep breath. “I got this one the day after I got back from dropping you off at Dani’s.” Her head pops up again and I blink, looking up at the ceiling to catch my breath before looking back at her again. “It represents the heart and soul.”

Her fingers trace the ink slowly, reverently, and that ache is back in my chest. The same magic that sparked between us when I was buried deep inside her is back, humming over our skin.

“That’s pretty poetic, Davis.”

“Sometimes I’m deep, Miri.”

“You were last night,” she groans immediately, dropping her head back down, and I bark out a surprised laugh.

I flip us so that I’m back between her thighs and her arms twine around my neck as she pulls me down for a kiss. Her lips pause just before they meet mine. “I swear you make me think the filthiest things and then I can’t help but blurt them out.”

“Let me see what other dirty things I can get you to say.”

* * *

The others have been blowing up my phone all morning, wanting updates or wondering what the hell is going on. Instead of trying to give fill everyone in over the phone, we decide to meet up. Rhys’s bar is still closed for the day, so it’s been decided we’ll meet there. Not that the library was a bad place to meet last time, but no one has to keep their voices down here.

My hand is on Miri’s lower back when we walk into Paul’s Tavern, partly out of politeness but mainly because I can’t stop touching her. There are a few raised eyebrows from the more observant of the group, Lena, Archer, and Ezra. I may have declared Miri my iomlán yesterday but seeing us together like this is likely still a surprise.
