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Davis and Archer have spent the last month getting everything ready to go at my store. Ruby, Lena, and Rhys helped me paint, and now the walls are a bright crisp white. It looks fresh and clean, the perfect mixture of modern meets historic. Davis polished the floors last week and he and Archer sealed up the secret entrance to the tunnel in the back room, where they’ve also been working to put in a huge worktable and kitchen area so that I’ll be able to make my product here instead of at the house. Saying I love it isn’t a strong enough word.

Since the kitchen space was only finished yesterday, I’ve been working to build up stock at the cottage and probably went a bit overboard. It’s partly my excitement to finally be opening up my own shop and a good dash of nervous energy working its way out. Someone has stayed at my house every night since the incident on the beach with Anthony, except for the nights I’ve spent at Davis’s cabin. Most of the time he’s the one who stays at the cottage with me, but there have been a few times when he got caught up at work late or out on his boat that he hasn’t been able to be there.

It’s a little frightening how much I miss him when he’s not the one staying. Our… relationship is the most complicated one I’ve ever been in. Probably because I’ve never stuck around to do the everyday thing with someone before. In the past I’ve only had a casual thing with guys, knowing I wouldn’t be around long enough to make a difference. With Davis it’s different. When he’s not around, I want to call him and find out what he’s doing. When he’s with me, I’ve never felt more content.

Anthony has been quiet, so much that it’s been more than a little disconcerting. I’ve been at my shop almost every day getting things ready for the grand opening and have been bouncing all over town for things like my morning coffee and these incredible croissants at a cafe just down the street. I always have one eye peeled for his smug face, but I haven’t seen him. If he’s trying to get me to let down my guard, it’s not working. Mostly.

I’m still staying vigilant, and Davis is almost obsessive about it, to the point that he insists on walking me to get my coffee every morning. The thing is, if Anthony really wanted to do something to me, I’m sure he’d figure out a way. He was in a crowd of people when he cursed me and he didn’t even have to touch me. He just flicked his fingers, and I was down for the count. Truthfully, living on edge like this is starting to take its toll. I’m beyond tired. On those nights when Davis isn’t able to stay, I sleep like shit.

Getting everything ready for the store has been crazy as well. Although everyone has been so much help, I feel a little guilty, like I’m taking advantage. Rhys opened up his own bar and understands what it takes to get a business up and running and he’s been so incredibly helpful along with the rest of them. Sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found all of them, and this is the life I’ve ended up with.

There’s a huge festival on the island this weekend for Ostara, which celebrates the spring equinox and is all about the balance of dark and light. Most of the festivals have some correlation to what I would consider pagan rituals, but Lena tells me they’re closely connected to the stories of the Fae. At this point I don’t know what’s real and what’s a myth that’s been passed down through the generations and has gotten warped in the longest game of telephone ever.

This festival is held on the main strip, Aspen Street, which is where my shop and Rhys’s bar both happen to be. Barring bad weather, all the shops on the street open up their doors and usually have tables of goods set up. There are food vendors and others who don’t have a storefront but sell handmade goods who also set up booths. Wild Haven Island doesn’t have any open container laws like most of the places I’ve lived, so people can get drunk as hell while wandering around the city. It’s pretty awesome watching retirees and young couples alike getting shitfaced and dancing in the street to a band that’s way better than I would have expected.

Since this is a festival to celebrate the coming of spring, there are fresh flowers everywhere and the general vibe is light and jolly. People are having fun and even better, my shop is overflowing. Ruby and Lena offered to help me today, swearing that I’d be swamped if I tried to do it myself with everyone in for the festival. Thank God, I let them twist my arm. I didn’t want to put anyone out, but they’d insisted.

Davis is helping Rhys down at the bar, although he’s not super happy with that turn of events. He wanted to help at my store, but Ruby told him his perpetual snarl would scare the customers off. I’m not so sure though because even all growly and surly, he’s gorgeous as hell and every woman with an eye for bad boys is always all over him. I’m pretty sure he’d be drawing customers in, but when I thought about a bunch of women drooling over him, I started twitching. After that, I agreed with Ruby.

That doesn’t mean Davis hasn’t stopped by. He’s already brought lunch and a coffee, on two separate trips. He only stayed long enough to scan my body and ensure I was still in one piece and to command me to “eat” and then “drink” when he brought the coffee. My damn stomach does Victorian lady faints when I think about the burning look in his eyes.

The only time I sit down all day is when I go pee. I even ate standing up, shoving my food in my mouth so fast I’m surprised I didn’t choke. By the time I wave goodbye to the last customer and close the shop up, my feet are super angry at me. I need a shower and then my bed. The party is still thumping out on the street, but by now most of the shopping is done. People are getting ready to pass out or else they’re getting their second wind and ready to party some more.

“Holy shit!” I laugh with a big whoosh of breath. I lock the door and turn to lean against it.

Ruby looks just as frazzled as me, her lilac hair falling out of the two messy buns on top of her head. Her short plaid skirt and green fuzzy sweater look rumpled, and she looks as whooped as I feel. Lena, unsurprisingly, still looks perfect. Her long black hair is half braided, the rest of it left to flow down her back. She’s got on a pair of wide leg black pants, a red crop top and a pair of black flats.

“How do you look exactly the same as when you walked in here this morning?” I groan at her and Ruby gives me a knowing look.

“I’ve asked her for years. It must be her magical talent,” Ruby says, grabbing a broom from the back room and starting to sweep up.

“It is not.” Lena pouts at Ruby. “I’m gross and sweaty, too.”

I snort, and Ruby narrows her eyes. “Are you telling me you think I look gross and sweaty?”

Lena turns to me, ignoring Ruby. “I can straighten the shelves or restock. Or what else do you need help with?” I grab the broom out of Ruby’s hand, or try to. She yanks it back, giving me a dirty look.

“You guys have done so much for me today. Over the last month to help me get ready. I never would have survived without everything you’ve done. You don’t need to stay and clean up, too.”

“With three of us, it will only take fifteen minutes to get everything in order. Then we can go over to the bar, get a drink, and get off our feet.”

“Fine. It’s a deal.” I give up on taking the broom from Ruby and help Lena straighten things up. I can restock in the morning before I open. It’s becoming clear really quickly that I’m going to need some help with the store though. I assumed eventually I would, but I wasn’t sure things would take off right away. Granted, this is a festival weekend, and it’s not always going to be this crazy, but I’ll be living at the store if I don’t get someone to pick up some shifts. Another problem for another day.

There’s a tap on the glass of the door and a smile breaks out over my face when I spot Davis leaning against the frame of the door.

I hurry over, flip the lock and hold open the door for him to come in.

“Hey. You done at the bar for the night?”

“Rhys has his regular staff there tonight. I’m off the hook.”

“I just need to close out the register.” I bite my lip, warmth pooling in my stomach at Davis’s assessing gaze. After that night in his cabin, this is how he always looks at me, like he’s ravenous and I’m the only thing in the world that will satisfy him.

“Um, would you guys do me a favor and head down to Paul’s and order me a burger? I’m starving,” I call over my shoulder, my eyes still not leaving Davis’s.

Ruby snorts and Lena chuckles, but I don’t give a shit. What can I say, I’m addicted. I walk further into the store and Davis follows. Ruby and Lena shrug on their coats and I tear my focus from Davis long enough to give them both a way too tight hug and thank them again for all their help today.

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