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Red hazes my vision and rage explodes in my chest when I see Miri sitting in a chair across the room. The wind whips around me, a torrent of icy rain unleashed from the sky as my emotions spiral wildly out of control. I know I’m the one causing it, but I don’t know how to make it stop. I’ve only ever been able to manipulate the elements in the smallest of ways, but now it’s like they’re responding to my emotions. The elements are now a weapon on hand, ready for me to control so I can strike down my enemy. The enemy who is slowly rising from his seat as if he has all the time in the world. He doesn’t. His life is on countdown. It’s only a matter of time at this point.

“Davis. What a dramatic entrance. You’re so much more like your father than I would have imagined.”

“What the fuck have you done, Hatcher?” I bellow at him, the wind pushing around me and blasting against Anthony with the strength of my words.

Anthony holds up a hand and it dies down just as suddenly. I want to throw my head back and rage at the sky. Why does this piece of shit have any power, any control over any of us? He’s ruined our lives, and just when we try to put the pieces back together again, he comes out of his fucking hole like the snake he is and wants to pull us back down into the mud.

“Let’s be civilized, Mr. Radford. Come, take a seat.”

I jerk forward with every intention of launching myself across the room and tackling the bastard. The feel of his face broken and bleeding beneath my fists is so visceral it’s almost a done deal, but instead my limbs carry me across the room like a puppet. Panic digs its claws in deep when I can’t control my movements. I can’t control anything. What the hell is he doing?

Anthony motions me to Miri’s side and it’s killing me that I can’t reach out and touch her. To comfort her and let her know that we’re getting out of here, even if it kills me. And it might. Because I can’t do anything but stand next to her awaiting Anthony’s next command. I’d rushed here as soon as I left her store, knowing this piece of shit was involved. I called Archer to tell him what was going on, but his voicemail picked up. At least I had the sense to shoot off a group text to the others, but I have no clue if anyone’s even looked at their phones yet. Plus, whenever the island is full of tourists, we always have shitty reception. But I couldn’t waste time chasing any of them down. I had to get to Miri.

Anthony settles back into the chair across from us, and I want nothing more than to smack the smug look off his face.

“You should work on your anger issues. It’s not healthy. I really tried to let this all come about naturally, but the two of you don’t seem inclined to move as fast as I need you to.”

“What are you talking about?” I bite out, but it’s almost painful to speak through my clenched jaw.

“I’m talking about the bond, of course. You and my daughter are meant to be bonded. There’s no point in resisting it. I’m not sure why you even tried. True bonds, which the two of you have been graced with, are rare and you would spit in the face of that gift.”

Miri glares at Anthony.

“You know that once you are bonded, your magic will become immeasurably stronger? Why would you not want that?”

“Maybe because we don’t give a shit about power,” Miri snarls.

“That’s a lie. Everyone cares about power.” Anthony dismisses her comment as if she has no sense of her own mind. “I gave you multiple opportunities to do this yourself, but time is ticking, daughter, and I’m sick of waiting. We must get things in motion.”

“You can’t force us to bond.” I snap at him, knowing that part of the bonding ritual requires that both parties accept it. Lena’s research has led us to believe that one of the problems our parents faced when they tried to form an Axis was that they weren’t meant to be bonded. They tried to unnaturally make it happen, and it messed them up.

“I won’t compel you. You will willingly submit to bond with one another.”

“Why would we do that?”

“Because if you don’t, I’ll simply kill Miri. She might have enough magic to momentarily open the veil. I’m willing to chance it.” Anthony shrugs as if it’s no big deal that he’s just threatened to murder his daughter.

“You’d still be forcing it.” Miri bites out, her face red as she strains against the invisible bonds Anthony’s holding us with. She must have loosened hers at least a little because I’m still struggling to even speak.

“I highly doubt you want to die, although admittedly I don’t know you that well. Are you suicidal, daughter?”

I snarl at Anthony, the low growl erupting from my throat. My fingers ache to wrap around his neck as I push against his hold and fail. Something wet trickles down to my lip. Shit, am I bleeding? I can’t wipe at it with my hand to see, but I’m sure as hell not crying.

“Now, now, Davis. Don’t hurt yourself. The only damage you’re doing is to yourself.”

“Eat shit.” It’s a miracle I’m able to get that much out, but Anthony just sighs as if I’m the uncivilized asshole.

“Come now. I’m sick of this. We’re wasting time. The last thing I need is all of your little friends traipsing into my house and making an even bigger mess than someone’s already made.”

Anthony throws me an icy look as he sweeps his hand through the air. I’m pressed to my knees by an invisible hand, and true terror freezes my veins. He’s really going to be able to force us to do this. What if I lose my mind, turn into a violent piece of shit like my father? What does this mean for the rest of our friends? If we form this bond, form an Axis can Anthony really control us? What will he use us to do?

I’m pushing against the magic binding me so hard that my body is vibrating. Miri’s wild eyes tell me she’s doing the same, and the sweat dripping down her face triggers a switch in me. Protect. That’s all I need to do right now. Whatever sick reasons Anthony is doing this for, we won’t let him get away with it. I’ve known Miri was mine from the first moment I laid eyes on her. It might have taken me ten years to admit it to myself, but I’ve never felt like this about anyone else. There’s a rightness with her that has helped heal the damage that’s been carved into my soul after years of abuse. There’s no way to remove those scars, they’ve healed over as an ugly and prominent part of who I am, but she soothes them. Calms the savage uneasiness inside me. Being bonded to her won’t be a punishment. It’s inevitable. Whatever reason Anthony thinks this will benefit him, he’s wrong.

I manage a nod to Miri. “It’s okay,” I murmur quietly, just for her ears.

Tears swim in her eyes as she holds my gaze, searching for the truth in my words. Her dark eyes calm and she takes a deep breath, some of the tension leaching out of her shoulders.
