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“I’ll never be able to braid my hair again.” Ruby pouts as she crosses the large entry and disappears through a doorway.

“I guess we’re going to the game room,” Miri says and we all follow Ruby.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset anyone.” I gnaw on my lip, feeling like I’ve ruined our party before it’s even started.

“You haven’t ruined anything. But I think you’ve stunned Ruby into silence. I didn’t know it was possible.” Lena smiles at me, knocking her shoulder against mine.

“You can do a protective spell before you braid. That way, no charms would stick, even if you did accidentally cast them.” I say, standing just inside a large room.

There’s dark wood trim and a large table with a green top. There are couches and chairs placed in little clusters for guests to gather about the room. In the corner is a bar, which is where Ruby is at, looking a little less forlorn.

“You’re going to need to teach that to us,” Lena says.

“Yes, of course. I’d be happy to.”

“I guess we’ll do the drinks part first.” Miri declares and goes behind the bar with Ruby. She doesn’t help her with the drinks though, instead she fiddles with something on the back wall until music starts to play.

Four small glasses are set on the bar top and then Ruby fills them up with clear liquor. Lena groans beside me. “Can’t you at least make something tasty for us to drink? I’m going to be puking my guts up in an hour if we’re starting with tequila shots.”

“Just one to take the edge off.” Ruby shoves a bowl of sliced limes up on the bar and a saltshaker.

“Lick, shoot, suck.” Ruby looks at me and then demonstrates by licking her hand, pouring on some salt, licking again. She tosses the liquid back and then pops a lime in her mouth with a hiss.

“I’m so going to regret this,” Lena grumbles as she follows suit. Miri looks at me as she picks up her glass and raises it in a salute.

“It’s all about the experiences, right?” I say, plucking my glass off the bar.

* * *

“You have to dance on the bar. It’s a rite of passage.” Ruby’s shouting over the music playing so loudly the inside of my ears are vibrating a little. She’s on top of the bar, dancing to the song with her hands waving wildly over her head. I start laughing and can’t stop. She looks ridiculous.

“You said the same thing about eating a whole can of Pringles an hour ago,” Miri calls out from where she’s sitting in a comfortable-looking chair. She’s sideways, her back against one arm of the chair and her legs thrown over the other.

Lena’s leaning into my side. I’m not sure which one of us is propping up the other, because we are both drunk.

“She’s a horrible dancer, isn’t she?” Lena starts giggling, her face falling to my shoulder.

“She looks like she’s trying to scare someone away.”

“I can hear you bitches. Don’t think I won’t use my skills to hypnotize you and bend you to my will.” Ruby does some kind of hip thrust move and I lose it all over again. I haven’t known her long, but I think half the things Ruby says and does are to make someone else laugh, or diffuse tensions when they’re running high. She gets scolded for blurting things out and being thoughtless, but I wonder if that’s really the case.

“Get up here!” Ruby points to the bar next to her and I shake my head, smile still plastered to my face. Lena pushes me forward and I trip over my feet before regaining my unsteady balance.

“Fine. But you have to stop adding random things to the list.”

“They’re all super important and critical.” Ruby gapes down at me.

“That’s debatable,” Miri says, wobbling her hand back and forth. “I really don’t think riding a Segway is even a thing anymore. And no one should wrestle a tiger.”

“Ignore her. She talks to plants. You don’t want her advice.” Ruby holds her hand out to me, and I realize I’m going to get up on this bar and dance. In comparison to some of the other things Ruby’s added to my list, this is tame, and I really don’t mind.

I slap my hand into hers just as a loud crash booms from out in the other room. All of us turn to stare at the door to the game room before we move.

Ruby jumps off the bar and lands flat on her face. I slap my hand over my mouth, trying to keep in the shocked laughter that almost breaks free. Miri barks out a laugh and then also claps a hand over her mouth. I can’t even see Lena.

Ruby’s arm lifts up in the air, her middle finger waving around. “No, no. I’m fine. No one help me.”

“Ruby,” I gasp out and hurry to help her up. “Are you okay?”
