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“There are many different things your magic can be used to accomplish. You could infuse an object with an alarm and set it at the threshold of your home. If anyone passed through your door, you would know. Or you can put messages in objects.”


I pick up a bottle of liquor from a box stacked beside his desk. “Take this bottle, for instance. You could imbue it with your magic and leave a message that can only be unlocked by a specific person. Glass and metal work best for this magic. Because they are both from the earth. Plastic wasn’t a thing in Fairy, but I sense that it won’t hold the enchantment for long. Gems also work, although those are obviously harder to find.”

“Well, glass is plentiful around here.” Rhys waves his hand around his office at the stacks of boxes filled with bottles of liquor. “How do I do it?”

I push the bottle toward him. “It doesn’t have to have liquid in it, but since it’s another element, it might actually help to conduct the magic. Especially since this is your first time. Just like at Miri’s, you’ll want to hold the item in your hands.”

Rhys picks the bottle up off his desk and holds it in both hands, looking up at me for more direction.

“Envision the message you want to send. You don’t have to speak it out loud. In fact, many times this spell is used to pass along secret information and the original message would have never been spoken aloud at all. Too many listening ears and watchful eyes. But since you’re beginning, you might want to say it out loud.” I lean forward, curious to see how he’ll do with this.

“I’m going to try it without speaking. We’ll backtrack if that doesn’t work. What next?” Rhys fidgets with the bottle.

“Along with the message you want to pass on, you also need to imagine who the message is meant for. If you don’t…” I struggle for the right word to explain it. “If you don’t attach a person who is meant to receive it, then anyone who touches the bottle will get the message. Which is obviously not ideal when you’re passing along secrets.”

“And that’s it?”

“It sounds simple, but it takes a great deal of concentration. You have to keep all those intentions in mind, but also focus on your magic. Make sure you can feel that pool of power deep in your chest. Call it up and infuse it with your message. Twine the two together, forming a tight weave of the spell before pushing it out into the bottle.”

Rhys nods and then sets the bottle on the desk, keeping hold of it. “Okay. Here goes.”

I ease back in my chair, watching Rhys concentrate on all the instructions I threw at him. His brow furrows and his jaw tightens. He inhales and closes his eyes, only to open them a few seconds later, looking displeased. I don’t interject with advice. There’s nothing else I can tell him. I’ve never actually done this spell before because I don’t have enchantment magic. The most I can do is sit quietly while he figures it out.

“Suck it, Captain,” Rhys finally says with a triumphant smile on his face. Sweat dots his brow, and he looks even more rumpled than he did before we came inside the office.

“Did you do it?” I offer him a tentative smile.

“I think so.” He sets the bottle down with a huff of relief. “That took a lot more concentration than I thought it would.

“It will get easier with time and practice. You’re basically figuring out how to do this on your own. That makes it so much harder.”

“Not on my own. I have you to tutor me.”

“I’m not sure how great of a teacher I can be when I don’t know how to do the magic myself.”

Rhys smiles at me but doesn’t respond. “Pick up the bottle. Let’s see if it works.”

Nervous energy makes my fingers twitch as I reach out for the bottle. The second my skin makes contact, I know that it’s worked. I can feel Rhys’s magic. It has its own weight and taste, almost like a scent that spices the air. He could be hundreds of miles away, and I would know immediately that this magic came from him.

The voice I hear belongs to Rhys, but I know he can’t hear it. Only I can, because that’s how he created the spell. It’s husky and full of heat as the words whisper inside my mind. “I can’t stop thinking about fucking you until you’re screaming my name.”

The message will play until I let go. I clutch the bottle so tightly my fingers are white. Rhys’s sinful voice has my insides melting, turning into a molten puddle of need. When I exhale, it comes out choppy.

“Did it work?” Rhys startles me from my repeated listening to his message and my eyes fly up to meet his.

“Yeah. Yes. It worked,” I say, a little breathlessly.

The smug, satisfied look on Rhys’s face as he leans back in his chair should be annoying, but it only makes him sexier. His arms are crossed again, putting those muscles on perfect display. The messy tumble of his black hair, the gleam in his blue eyes, the tilt of his lips in a hint of a smile, all make him irresistible.

“And what did the message say? If we’re making a true game of telephone out of this, you have to share the message that you heard.”

I don’t know what the game telephone is, but I can take his words and throw them right back at him. My voice is low, raspy with need when I repeat his words.

“I can’t stop thinking about fucking you until you’re screaming my name.”

The smile is gone from his face, and the veins in his arms pop out as he flexes. The pulse in his neck hammers and I want to lick his skin, and taste him, to feel his heartbeat with my mouth.
