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I make a noise of agreement, feeling too drained to do much more. We should have taken Ruby’s ATV. I’m starting to get used to it and am trying to stop calling it her death cart because all she does is laugh like a lunatic.

“Shit, I’m tired. You’re probably too wimpy to give me a piggyback the rest of the way home.”

I roll my head over to glare at her. “First of all, I can barely lift my feet. Who thought it was a good idea not to take your death cart today?”

Ruby cackles and I curse. What did I just tell myself?

“Besides, I doubt my new tattoo really needs your suspenders rubbing all over it.

“My suspenders wouldn’t touch your ink. It would be my boobs.”

“What boobs?” I retort, and then we both start laughing. Neither one of us has much in the chest department. I suppose it runs in the family.

“You’re right. I guess it would be my nipples, then.”

“Ew. Stop talking,” I say, laughing fully now as we pass by Aspen Street, the main thoroughfare on the island. It’s incredible how normal this all is. Bantering back and forth, a light bubbly feeling of belonging swelling up inside my chest. It’s nice.

“Looks like you ladies are having a fun afternoon,” a man’s voice says from right behind us. Ruby and I whip around in unison, our arms untangling as we move. Fear makes the hairs on my arms stand up. Despite the warm afternoon sun shining down on us, I’m chilled to the bone.

Colton Zima.

He’s perfected the spoiled human vibe, with jeans so tight I’m surprised he can walk and a high-quality looking button-down white shirt. His light brown hair is still floppy, and he tosses his head back to get it out of his eyes, only for it to fall right back in place. I wish I had a pair of scissors so I could lop off a big hunk of it.

“We were until you decided to talk to us.”

God, I love Ruby. She says whatever she wants and damn the consequences.

Colton’s eyes narrow and his smile turns distinctly more into a sneer as he peels his eyes from me to stare at her. His nostrils flare and he looks back at me, face intense and focused. His tongue dips out to wet his bottom lip, and then the grin is back on his face. I feel inspected, dirtied by his roving eyes.

“I can taste Fairy on you. Have you naughty girls been playing around with magic you don’t understand?”

“Hey, dickbag. Her breasts aren’t going to be the ones responding to your condescending question for us girls.”

People bustle down the street, here for a long weekend, and to get away from the hectic everyday nonsense of their lives. At least, that’s what Ruby told me about all the tourists. They’re clueless to our conversation, totally blind to the fact that there’s an actual Fae mere feet from them. One who’s glaring down at two women who possess enough magic to make us enticing pawns for him and his friends.

Ruby gets right in his face while I cower, like always. I thought I’d grown brave and daring in my time here, but it’s all a farce. I’m only brave when it comes to Rhys. Around everyone else, I’m still the timid drudge who keeps her mouth shut and eyes down.

“I bet you loved serving at the feet of your superiors. What else would a pathetic little human ever be good for?” Colton ignores Ruby entirely and keeps picking at my festering wounds. The ones that have never been given a chance to fully heal.

“We’re done here.” Ruby turns to walk away from Colton, tugging me along with her. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t gotten more violent. This is a new, restrained Ruby and I’m not sure I like it. Just as Ruby starts to lead us away, Colton's hand clamps down on my arm, pulling me back in a horrible game of tug-o-war.

“Not so fast.”

“Take your hands off my sister.” Ruby yanks on my other arm, but Colton doesn’t let go.

With a hard lurch, he pulls me toward him. Ruby stumbles closer to him, along with me, and Colton’s hand clamps down on her bare arm. She fights his grip, but he’s holding her so tightly she can’t break free.

Ruby stops trying to peel his hand away, and she grabs her neck. Her fingers scrabble at her throat as her face grows red.

What’s happening? Ruby’s mouth opens and closes as if she’s starving for a breath. Has he cut off her air?

“Stop it. Stop. Whatever you’re doing, you have to stop.” I struggle against his hold, but I’m exhausted from earlier. I don’t have the kind of magic that can be used in a fight. Once again, I’m helpless.

“What do you want?” The street has emptied around us. There’s no one who can help Ruby. Help us.

“I want you and your little friends to realize that you are little leagues. You’re playing with experts, and you’re outclassed.”

“I don’t know what any of that means,” I shout back, staring hopelessly at Ruby’s red face.

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