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His back is against the bar, watching me as I walk toward him. The low conversations of the other two fall into the background as I step into his space. His lips lift, a smile so sweet it makes me ache. And it’s all for me. His hand lifts and the tips of his fingers brush over my jaw. I lean into his touch, my eyes going half-lidded.

“How are you, imolán?” The word sounds almost filthy, rolling off Rhys’s tongue. I wish we would have told everyone to go home right away, and that we were already in Rhys’s bed.

I close the space between us, my hands dipping under his shirt and pressing to the warm, hard muscles of his stomach.

“I’m really good. Surprisingly good for having had a mini battle in the woods with the Fae tonight. It was all worth it.” I slide my arms around his sides, holding him in a tight embrace. His arms wrap around my shoulders, and I lay my head on his chest, basking in the knowledge that I get to do this.

“I can feel your magic.” I pull a hand free and tap my chest over my heart. “Right here.”

Rhys tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I know I’m a mess. Hair falling out, a still damp dress that doesn’t look nearly as pretty as it did at the start of the night. But the way Rhys beams at me like he’s awestruck makes the blood in my veins thrum with happiness.

“I feel you, too. A warm glow that tells me I’ll never be alone again.”

“Never. You’re stuck with me for good now.”

“Fuck. I love you, Zara. I will protect you until my dying breath. Then I’ll have Lena bring me back to life so I can keep on watching over you.”

I close my eyes just to let his words soak in, and to enjoy the small relief of surviving to fight another day. The fight isn’t over. Far from it. In fact, I think it’s only just started.

When I open my eyes back up, I find Rhys’s beautiful violet eyes peering down at me. The way he looks at me like I’m his everything makes my chest swell up with love.

“You wanted to give me all the experiences I missed out on, Rhys, but I never could have imagined this would be my life. That I would have someone like you at my back, by my side. I love you so much. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

“Hey,” Ruby barks out right next to my ear, making me and Rhys cringe. She throws an arm over my shoulder and shakes her head. “I think you mean, second best thing.”

I turn my head to look at Ruby, seeing through her words to the heart of her. “Fine. You’re awesome too.” I laugh at Ruby’s pout but hug her around the waist. Rhys tugs into a three-way hug and Ruby grumbles, but I know she secretly loves it.

I pull back enough to look at Ruby, wanting her to know how serious I am when I speak. “I was completely alone before I came here. Not only did I find love, and family, but a sister. I’ve always thought I was unlucky, but I guess I was just saving it up so it would hit me all at once. You are the best sister in all of the worlds.”

“You’re being super dramatic.” Ruby sniffs into my shoulder, then ducks under my arm and shoves Rhys’s arm off her. “Fine. No need to tell me you want to be alone again. I get it.”

Ruby blows me a kiss, her eyes looking suspiciously damp. Ezra nods at me and Rhys, letting us know he’s going to make sure Ruby gets home without saying a word. They argue the whole way out.

“Dramatic. That’s exactly how I’d describe you.” Rhys chuckles, but I cut him off by yanking on his still damp shirt and pulling him down for a kiss.

“If you think I’m dramatic now, wait until you see what I have planned for when you finally get me in a bed.”

“Christ. Go lock the front door. I’ll make sure the lights are off outside.” Rhys drops a quick peck on my lips and then pretends to kick my butt toward the door.

I skip over to the front, my laughter echoing behind me. I peer out the window, flipping the lock as the lights outside the bar flicker off. The streetlamps illuminate the still wet pavement, and I can already tell it’s hot out there. Steam is rising off the asphalt, creating a low hanging fog down Aspen Street.

The cloud of mist swirls as someone walks down the middle of the street, their coat billowing behind them like a cape. Cold fingers of dread inch their way up my chest and slowly wrap around my heart and squeeze. A gasp escapes my lips when the man gets close enough to see.

No. No, no, no, no.

“Zara?” Rhys calls out for me from the other side of the bar, as though he can sense my fear from all the way across the room. Actually, with the bond, maybe now he can. I’m shaking my head from side to side, refusing to believe what my eyes tell me is the truth.

I jump when Rhys lays his hands on my shoulders.

“What is it?”

His eyes land on the back of the man who’s already walked past Paul’s Tavern, oblivious to the fear he’s causing within. “Who is that?”

“It’s the Duke.”
