Page 77 of Falls County

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Six Years Ago

“This is where you’re going to live?” I walked around taking the old house in.

“Yup.” Luke leaned on the kitchen counter.

“This place is huge!” It was. “How did you get this house again? You like just turned nineteen.”

“I already told you.”

I didn’t quite understand the whole farming situation thing yet. I’m sure I would one day but today was not it. Luke wanted to clean it up and do some painting before he started moving his stuff in. I guess it had belonged to the family they bought the land from and the house was in the contract. There were two pivots with it and a small pasture area for the cows.

Somehow it was all Luke’s. I didn’t ask. Walking around the house I took in the space and thought of what I would do to when I lived here. The kitchen was perfect. I could cook all day long in here.

“So what should we do first?” Luke interrupted my thoughts. “I already know I need a bigger shower. What else?”

The living room walls were painted a dark navy color. That needed to go.

“Well we should probably paint the living room and whatever room you’ll be sleeping in.”

His hand latched onto mine as he led me down the hallway. The very end room was the master which he claimed.

Flipping on the lights he gestured into the room. “This one’s ours.”

“Ours?” My heart sped up.

It didn’t matter that we were too young. It didn’t matter that we had no idea what the future held. The only thing that mattered was us.

He took my hands in his. “Yes Kaci. Ours.”

“Are you going to ask me to marry you Luke?”

“One day baby. One day.” His lips brushed mine.

Present Day

Moving my stuff in I couldn’t help but remember when Luke first moved into this house. There was still a dresser half full of my clothes from the time I moved in after graduation then had to go back to living with my parents. But mostly Luke’s house was still a bachelor pad. Except for the bedroom anyway. It was still decorated for us.

Last time we painted we made the living room a light tan color. His deer mounts hung on the walls with his signed football jerseys. The curtains were still the camo ones his mom had made him when he moved in.

The good thing was Luke had never done anything with the upstairs rooms except replace the carpet. They still sat empty. He said I could paint them whatever color I wanted and move whatever I didn’t like up there.

I decided to make one room his man cave, kind of. It was more a man-cave-office type room. He needed a place where he could keep everything for his business instead of the kitchen table. Gracey helped me paint it because trust me you did not want to see Luke paint. More of it got on him and the floor than it did the walls.

I hung all the jerseys along the back wall where I told the boys to put his old couch. Luke’s kitchen table was small. Just a little circle with two chairs we had got at a garage sale when he moved in. He agreed to letting me sell the table and buy a desk with the money. I had my grandma and grandpas big table anyways.

Since I just got a new furniture set we decided to put that one in the living room. Luke’s bed was much more comfortable than mine. Since my new bed set only had one night stand I put that upstairs in the other spare room. I couldn’t decide what to do with the third room. I stood in the empty space contemplating whether or not to leave it empty for a few years or not.

“Kaci!” Luke hollered from downstairs.

“Yeah?” I headed down the stairs.

“Where do you want all these boxes?” Drake and Luke’s arms each carried boxes.

The boxes filled with all the memories of Luke and I. Boxes that told our story like no one else could. I think it was safe to say I could finally unpack them.

“Can you just put them in the living room and I’ll unpack them tomorrow.”
