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I spend the next several days alternating between throwing up and sleeping. Ghost is starting to get worried and if I’m completely honest so am I. I finally wake up without the urge to vomit to find Lucky laying on Ghost’s pillow, grinning at me like she knows something I don’t know. Groaning, I roll away from her, because I’m not ready for her yet.

“Lucky, how did you get in here? Ghost hasn’t let anyone close to the house since this started,” I mumble sleepily.

“Morning sickness is kicking your ass, huh?” she sings.

“What the actual fuck did you say to me?” I ask, whipping around to look at her like she has four heads.

“You’re going to be one of those very unlucky women that has morning sickness twenty-four-seven it seems.” She continues laying on her back looking at the ceiling.

“Lucky, I need you to stop talking in riddles and tell me what the fuck you’re talking about. Dumb it down cause I’m too sick to understand.” I tell her, panic racing down my spine.

“Trixi,e you’ve never struck me as dumb. Have you taken a pregnancy test?” she asks.

“Ummmm. No, why in the hell would I do that? I’ve had food poisoning.”

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t Khloi and I have been sick as well? We all ate the same shit,” Lucky raises an eyebrow at me.

I start running all the information through my brain, finally connecting all the puzzle pieces. Fuck, she's right.

“I guess I need to go get a pregnancy test,” I groan, not really wanting to get out of bed to do so. Something is plopped onto my stomach making me scream, “You just scared me half to death!”

I glare at a laughing Lucky.

“I’m guessing since she is laughing you didn’t kill her,” Khloi says, poking her head through the door.

“Yes, she is alive and now I’m going to pee on this life-changing piece of plastic,” I pout on my way to the bathroom already knowing what it’s going to tell me. I peed on the stick and place the cap back on it.

“You should go throw that at them,” the little voice inside me says.

Deciding I like that idea I do just that. Opening the bathroom door I head over to the bed where the girls are booth laying, “Hey catch!” is all I say before I toss the stick into the air.

Lucky catches it before screaming and throwing it on the bed, “You’re such a pain. That’s fucking nasty!”

“Figured you would want to be the first to know. What other way to do that then to have to be in charge of it,” I shrug.

“Well, how are we going to tell daddy-to-be?” she asks, turning the test so I can see that in less than the required three minutes it says positive.

“Well, it looks like we are having a baby, ladies,” I tell them before falling face-first back into the bed and going back to sleep.
