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I can't stop my mouth from replying, knowing that both of them are here, “No, jackass, this room isn’t clear. Come get these chains off so we can get the hell out of here.”

“Listen you big fucking Russian, I’ll kill you where you stand if you don’t move your ass so I can get in that room.” Ghost growls sounding truly violent.

The masked man moves to the side and standing there in his giant, mouth-watering glory, in all his combat gear is Ghost. I forget for just a moment that I’m chained to the floor and launch myself towards him. Ghost doesn’t miss a beat, taking large strides to catch me. I forget that my ribs are cracked, that I’ve got something major wrong, and even that we haven’t eaten in days. I push down all the pain and just take in the smell and feel of being in this man's arms.

“Is she in there? Khloi. Please tell me she is in there,” I hear mafia man say.

Khloi gasps in shock, looking wide-eyed at the big man coming in behind Ghost.

“Oh thank fucking Christ you are here. Oh look at you what have they fucking done?” mafia man growls, cupping Khloi’s face, eyes burning with so much anger that I don’t know how he doesn’t have fire coming out of his ears.

“We keep moving. She’s not in here,” the masked man demands, turning to leave the room. The rest of the team excluding my brother, Ghost, and mafia man follow him without question.

“You mind sharing her with her twin?” Phantom jokes but I can tell by his tone that he is barely keeping it together. Ghost reluctantly lets me go, handing me over to my brother. He didn't speak, just wrapped his arms around me holding me close.

“I just knew you were gone forever. Fuck, don’t you ever fucking do this to me again. My old heart can’t fucking take it and you know Lucky would kick both our asses if I died.” He whispers trying to make a joke to hide his emotions.

I chuckle through the pain of my ribs and everything, “We can’t have a pissed-off Lucky. So let’s get us both out of here.”

A terrified scream has both men turning guns at the ready for whatever is coming through the door. Footsteps come down the hallway slowing when they get close when I hear Spook speak, “Don’t shoot us we are coming through the door.”

Everyone in the room breathes a sigh of relief.

“Can we get out of here now?” I ask them, trying to make a joke.

“Yes, Tiny, we are getting out of here. Haunt, you got the cutters to get these ladies free?” Ghost throws over his shoulder.

“Right here, my friend.” Haunt’s Texas drawl makes me smile.

“I could listen to you speak all day every day.” I smile at Haunt as he makes his way to me. It takes him no time at all before he has us free.

I look at Ghost and smile before I feel all the fight leave me in a quick hurry, “Ghost, I’m sorry but I’m too tired right now. Thank you for coming.”

“Tiny! Fuck, Tiny!” He shouts just as the darkness pulls me under.
