Page 2 of Zander & Zsanine

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Chapter Two

Zsanine wasn’t sure whether she should be offended or impressed by his thoughtfulness.

Zsanine was sure her mental inquiry was written all over her face, emphasized by the pitch of her perfectly arched brow.

“I hope you’ll find the selections appropriate,” Zander continued.

“Selections?” Zsanine inquired.

“I wouldn’t be so presumptuous as to only select one outfit that might not be to your liking.”

“Your consideration is thoughtful,” Zsanine replied. She did appreciate having something clean to wear on the flight home, so her response to Zander was genuine.

“I’ll be right here waiting for you when you’re done.”

Zsanine knew that was a promise, and she was okay with it as she quietly padded to the closet Zander directed to, making sure to keep her robe closed tightly against her flesh. She felt his intentional appraisal as she moved across the room. Just as she turned the corner to enter the closet, Zsanine dared to steal a glance in Zander’s direction. He was still there, standing, watching, smoldering. Zsanine shook her head and quickly stepped inside the closet. Why did he always make her feel that way, giddy like a schoolgirl with an obvious crush? It was so ridiculous. Zsanine considered herself a consummate businesswoman. She’d spent the better part of her early adult life entirely focused on her business, and here this man comes out of what seemed like absolutely nowhere, rewriting her narrative and altering her focus. How dare he!

Zsanine refocused her attention on getting dressed. That should be her primary focus, right? When she did pay attention to the space she was in. It was reminiscent of the extravagance of the suite itself. This was no ordinary closet. It was luxurious with an island and double-layered racks for clothing. The chandelier that warmly illuminated the closet was so lovely it could easily be used in an expensive ballroom. The closet was a luxurious dressing room. Zsanine shook her head as she approached the island. It drew her attention because of the wrapped packages sitting on top.

What did he do now? She asked herself as she padded over. Zander had already gifted her with all the books her heart desired. Now, he had given her something else. Why? Zsanine considered.

There was a note attached to one package that she opened and read.

I pay attention. Z

She shook her head again as she opened the first box. When Zsanine pulled back the tissue paper and saw what was inside, she knew Zander did really pay attention. There was a black wide-legged pantsuit that was her exact size. She couldn’t believe he’d pick the correct size. When Zsanine saw the matching headwrap, the material possessing a light shimmer against the black fabric, she smiled again. The outfit was perfect. It was perfect. The second outfit was a stark contrast to the first – a soft blue maxi dress with a complimentary head wrap in soft pastel colors. Both outfits were beautiful and bespoke Zsanine’s style so well.

She was floored by his accurate assessment of her style. And the headwraps? Zander demonstrated that he really paid attention. His selections made it hard for Zsanine to choose which to wear. She placed both outfits against her frame as she looked in the floor-length mirror. One outfit called to her more than the other simply because of the time of day. When Zsanine emerged from the closet, she reentered the bedroom dressed in the soft blue. This time Zander was the one emerging from the restroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Their timing made for incredibly sexy accidents. As Zsanine walked in his direction, she tried not to focus on just how good he looked. As she neared him, Zsanine noticed the beads of water sitting on his mahogany skin. She tried to keep her head up, and her eyes focused on his handsome face. Yet, his sexy body was a draw that was undeniable. She felt a pull in her heart as she neared him. If sexy had a name, it was Zander.

Zander in that towel was not encouragement for ever leaving their hotel room, but Zsanine masked that thought, keeping it to herself as she stood in front of him.

“The fact that you know my taste so well after knowing me for such a short period of time is a little disturbing, sir. Well, to be honest, it’s quite disturbing,” Zsanine admitted wearing a slight smile.

There was an unsettling twinkle in Zander’s eyes as he replied. “When you’re with me, I study you.” Decisively, he moved a step closer. “When you’re away from me, I think of you.”

She couldn’t blush anymore. Yet, Zsanine felt infectious warmth flow through her and into her cheeks that she knew flushed with incredible color.

“The smoothness,” she hummed. “It’s ridiculous,” she guffawed.

“And irresistible,” he crooned.

The energy that surrounded them was powerful and all-encompassing. Zander made Zsanine smile effortlessly, and she relinquished, allowing herself to enjoy the space they were in.

“And irresistible,” she repeated her smile widening, reaching her beautiful eyes. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Zander’s neck. His enveloping of her waist happened naturally. Zsanine felt his smile in the way he held her.

“The outfits are thoughtfully beautiful,” she offered, feeling Zander pull her even closer. “Thank you.”

Zander heard the sincerity in Zsanine’s voice and her appreciation. It made him feel good that she appreciated what he’d done. She had no expectation of him in that regard, and that made it nice. Zander had run into some who had expectations because of his status. It was good to encounter someone genuine. But he knew that about Zsanine from the moment he’d met her. She wasn’t one to buy into pretense. She was authentic and appreciated authenticity. It was refreshing for him. His intuition about this incredible woman was on point. Zander kept Zsanine close as she came back into view, their eyes powerfully reconnecting again.

“You’re beautiful.”

His words washed over her, and she felt them as much as she heard them. Zsanine’s lids kissed the height of her cheeks as they closed and then opened again.

“And you’re welcome.”

“I should give you a moment to get dressed,” Zsanine suggested. The longer she remained in his arms, the more she was reminded of the incredible night they’d spent together. It wasn’t a bad memory. On the contrary, it was an incredible memory that weakened her the closer they remained.

“Or you can stay, either way,” he hummed. When Zander stroked his beard, his eyes blazing with pure unadulterated sensuality, Zsanine felt a thump in her core that resonated through her feminine proclivities.
