Page 26 of Master Baldor

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“Here are the last six, Shelby. Be a good girl and stay in position or you will get extra.”

“Yes, Sir.”

I gripped the sink and readied myself for the dreaded sit spot. When the brush landed on my thighs, I screamed and toe danced, swaying my hips, doing my darnedest to stay in position.

“Shelby,” he growled in a warning tone.

“Sorry, Daddy, I will never lie again.” A big crocodile tear rolled down my face, and I felt the regret in that tear. This wasn’t a game. This was my first real instruction as a submissive to a Daddy-Dom.

The brush landed on each sit spot, and it was even worse than I imagined. No longer able to control myself, I bawled, my sorrys coming out in a barely coherent string.

Three more swings of the horrible brush and he was done and pulling me into his arms. When my bawling turned to the occasional hiccup, Noah picked me up and gently placed me in the tub. The hot water stung my ass, but after a minute it throbbed less and felt good. Noah climbed in behind me and gently guided my back against his chest.

Minutes passed in silence, but far from being uncomfortable, we shared a companionable silence. I had learned a painful, but necessary lesson—this wasn’t a game, it was real life and I needed to treat it as such.

“I’m sorry, Daddy, I will never lie again. I didn’t think about what I was saying. I don’t have any excuse except to say I’ve never been held accountable before, and I didn’t understand what the D/s dynamic really meant until now. I’ll never make that mistake again, I promise.”

Noah chuckled. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, little one. You’re still feeling the sting, and; therefore, the regret, but trust me, obedience is earned, not taken, so I know this will happen again.”

I processed that in the silence that ensued, and wondered how a D/s scene could be played and not have me fall in love? This was the most intense physical and emotional exchange I’d ever had in my life. What I shared with Noah was so intimate. Even without the sex I didn’t see how it was possible for a Little to not fall head over heels for the Daddy-Dom. I would need to learn how that was accomplished when it was time to walk away because what he didn’t know, was that in the process of giving him my body, and my obedience, I’d also given him my heart.
