Page 8 of Master Baldor

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“Thank you, Daddy, for my correction. I—really needed it.” Would he punish me more for not saying his exact words? I hoped not because what I said I’d really meant from my heart. I hadn’t intended on calling him Daddy, the words just came out and they felt good to say.

He swung me up onto his lap and cuddled me in close. His body was warm and pulsing with energy. His smell was a comfort to my soul, and at that moment, oh how I wished he was into Middles and not Littles so he could be my Daddy.

“Tell me, sweet girl, what troubles you? What happened tonight?”

For the first time, I wanted to share everything about my life with someone, confess my concerns and fears, and allow them to carry the burden for a change.

“He was someone I was hoping would be my Daddy. Peter started off pretty good. We had a discussion regarding our roles and seemed agreeable. I thought he understood me when I shared the type of Little I am. We went on a couple of dates. Then everything went south when he told me he wanted me to be his baby, like diaper play. He wanted full control of me, and I couldn’t do that. I was angry that he had pretended to be into Middles just to get me alone and try to convince me to be something different. I left and haven’t seen or heard from him until tonight. I was playing a video game when he just walked in with his new babygirl and sneered at me and called me names, and made fun of what I am.”

The tears began again, and I tucked myself as deeply into Baldor’s chest as I could. “I asked him to leave, twice. But he wouldn’t go and that horrible woman with him just kept glaring at me and telling him she didn’t like me.” I choked out that last bit. All the while, Baldor rubbed my back in gentle swirls that felt magnificent. If this was part of being his Little maybe I could grow into the role? I would do almost anything to feel this on a regular basis.

“I tried to leave but he grabbed my arm, then when I shook him off, I tried again, but before I could make my escape, he grabbed the back of my jacket. I was really scared of what he would do, terrified I wouldn’t get away from him.” Daddy Baldor made the most wonderful shushing sounds as I cried. “Weeks of working made me crawl out of the dark of my apartment to be around people and blow off some steam. But my friend left early because she is playing at Valhalla tonight with some Dom she’s really into who has a membership there. So here I am, alone, again.”

And with that, the reality of my situation hit me hard. I was alone, in every sense of the word. My parents had died when I was still young, and I’d spent a few years in state care before being booted out at eighteen and told I was on my own.

Yes, I was independent. But I also wanted to be cared for, to have someone in my life to be with, to be loved and understood by a lover who accepted my Little side. I didn’t need 24/7 care, but I needed to be allowed to be me. I liked to color and draw, but I really liked the 80s and the teen movies, rocking out, and video games, and eating what I wanted when I wanted while keeping my adult side to function and grow my career. Was I being unreasonable in my needs?

I pulled back from Baldor’s chest so I could see his eyes. The dark storm clouds that had been there before had fled, replaced with a calm turquoise blue. They were beautiful, but then all of him was beautiful.

“Can I ask you a question, Sir?”

He smiled at the term of respect and nodded his head.

“Would you be willing to play with me tonight? Would you”—I dropped my voice a few octaves like I was sharing a secret—“could we have sex?”

Baldor didn’t answer right away but seemed to consider my question.

“I’ll tell you what, Shelby. We can play for tonight but understand two things. I am rarely ever here. This is a chance encounter and most likely will never happen again. You can’t have expectations after tonight of me, or us, which brings me to my second point. My inclinations run toward Littles and is another reason this won’t happen again. Are we clear?”

I would have agreed to climb Mount Everest as long as I got some sexy time in with a person and not BOB, my battery-operated boyfriend, who I kept in my nightstand table.

“Yes, Sir, very clear.”

Baldor leaned down and took my lips. His were soft, yet firm. They didn’t demand but took what they wanted. In a word, breathless. His kisses had me melting, his tongue swept across the seam and artfully parted my lips, delving in like a starving man. Oh, sweet heaven, he was as good as he looked. My pants were still down, and I was pretty sure he had a wet spot on his trousers from my needy response, my pussy gushing, leaving my thighs slick, and his pants… I suddenly giggled while his tongue was in my mouth. He pulled back, eyeing me with amusement.

“Something humorous, Shelby?”

“Uh, I just wanted to say I’m sorry if you’re now sporting a damp spot on your slacks. I, uh, well, your kisses make me so very wet.”

His grin was more primal than anything yet, and I felt that pool of moisture again. I was small enough for him to stand effortlessly with me in his arms. I held my breath as he gently lowered me to the couch onto my tummy. He kneeled on the floor at my side and pulled off my shoes, then my jeans and undies which had pooled around my ankles.

I felt his breath on my scorched backside and then those soft firm lips kissed my burning cheeks. I growled with how good it felt. After covering my backside in soft sexy kisses, he kneaded my cheeks and I writhed with pleasure, entirely ready for him to take this to the next step.

He slipped a finger into my slick folds, and I mewled with pleasure. He hooked his finger, tapping against that sensitive bundle of nerves, eliciting moans from me as I arched my back, pressing my bottom toward him.

Baldor turned me over and he took his time removing my hoodie, shirt and bra, each act deliberate. He was in no rush and drew out every second of pleasure he delivered. Leaning me back, he took my nipple in his mouth, playing with the hardening bud, teasing it to a pebbled point, while one of his hands played and tugged with the other nipple. Then he switched places, his mouth soothing the other tormented nipple with his tongue, while he worked the first nipple with his fingers. His actions alternated between tugging and rolling the sensitive bud between his finger and thumb while his hot mouth flicked and played, driving me closer and closer to paradise.

When he bit down, an orgasm rolled through me, and I didn’t know who was more surprised, me or him. I’d never come from breast play only and gathered from his reaction he’d caused no one else to do so either. As we held each other’s gaze, a recognition ran through me at something so finite it was staggering. I could see him, his soul unguarded and in that briefest insight, I felt who he was.

“Do I have permission to take you, sweet girl?”

I gulped; this was it.
