Page 15 of Julian

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“Sir, I know you just got her back but let’s not give them a reason to force you onto one of those beds. It would not do any of us any good,” Drummer nodded along with Orson’s words. “How about we go in, fill out those papers, and we can get you a cup of coffee?”

“This is all so fucked up, Orson.”

“Yeah man,” Drummer agreed.

“I know, I know. It does seem unfair. Come,” Orson guided me back into the waiting room.

We had waited for about an hour when a doctor approached us.

“Are you with Gianna?” she asked.

I nodded not trusting what would come out if I opened my mouth to speak.

“My name is Dr. Wilson. She-”

“Can I see her now?” I interrupted.

“Yes, of course. Come this way please.”

She led me to a private room where Gia was lying on her back propped up with pillows and an oxygen mask over her face.

She took off the mask when she saw me, an apologetic look in her eyes, “sorry to scare you.”

I was the one who should be sorry. I should have protected her.

“How are you feeling?” I sat at the edge of her bed, holding her hand in mine.

“This is all so embarrassing,” she said.

“Don’t be embarrassed. I’m just glad you’re okay. When I couldn’t wake you…”

“All you had to do was snore, which would have woken me up again.”

I was about to kiss her then debate my snoring when I realized I could not touch her in that way. Instead, I turned to face the doctor.

“What happened to her?” I asked.

“We ran some tests and noticed something in her brain. We aren’t completely sure what it is but-”

“So, what are you saying?”

“We will need to operate and remove whatever that growth is. Of course, we’ll biopsy it as well to determine if it’s cancerous. It doesn’t quite look like it’s biological. She’s stable for now, but the pressure is putting a strain on the oxygen getting to her brain. If we don’t remove it, it could have lasting effect on her brain function, perhaps even cutting off oxygen all together causing her to die.”

“Then, take it out!” I shouted.

“No!” Gia’s voice shot through the air.

Both the doctor and I turned to look at her. What was she thinking? Did she not hear the doctor? It could cut off the oxygen supply to her brain, and she could sleep never to wake up again. The Gia I knew would never throw away her life like that on a whim. What was the problem?

Never a dull moment with this woman in my life.

“Gia,” Doctor Wilson walked over to her bedside. “Gia, I’ll be honest the surgery wouldn’t be without risk, but we’ve got a great team here. We can remove that mass and you’ll heal, good as new. You have to know that there is a significant risk to your life if we leave it. Do you understand?”

“I don’t want it removed,” Gia stood firm.

“Gia, this thing could kill you,” the doctor pressed while I stood in silent disbelief. “It is pressing on your brain and there’s a high chance it could cut off the oxygen. Much more swelling and we won’t be able to help you. Gia, you will die.”

That word scared me. I grabbed Gia by the hand.
