Page 30 of Julian

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There was a light tap on the door. I turned around to see my secretary popping her head through, “he cancelled last minute.”

“Tell Orson to get the chopper ready.”

“I can call him again.”

“No need, I’ll go to him.” I watched her disappear through the door.


After Marissa made that comment that I funded TheWonder Project, her demeanor seemed to change. Whatever lies he was feeding her, she believed.

Dylan had come to me years ago telling me to invest in the future of medicine. He sold it to me as taking sick kids off the streets. He knew my past.

A whiff of her perfume crossed my nose and I looked up.

“How did the meeting go?” her sickly-sweet tone perked up my ears and set me on edge.

I was not going to play her game.

“Your comment about me funding The Wonder Project…talk to me about that.”

Her smile faltered.

“I told you to talk to Dylan,” and edge to her voice.

“I am not asking Marissa. You knew exactly how I would feel with you dropping that nugget into our conversation. Tell me what you meant.”

She settled on the edge of my desk, crossing her legs.

“I am not at liberty to discuss it,” her innocent tone returned.

“Fuck off Marissa. You work for me.”

“No…” she shook her head. “I work with you Julian, there’s a difference. There’s a reason I haven’t pulled my money and left. We had a deal. For years you knew how I felt about you. I was just waiting for you to come to your senses.”

“I was married.”

“Then, you weren’t. She was gone and for four years you didn’t look at me. I was always by your side. When you couldn’t keep things running, I gave you my money. That’s when we go together. You finally noticed me when I waved my money around. Now that she’s back, what we had over the last year means nothing to you?”

She raised her hand and I was not sure if she was going to gently touch my face or slap me. I caught her wrist.

“Stop this, Marissa.”

“What does she have that I don’t? I work twice as hard as she ever did. Julian, she doesn’t even remember you. What about your kid?”

“Shut the fuck up Marissa. This is not about us right now, it’s about the business. I want to know how you know about TheWonder Project, their affiliation with my company, and what the hell it has to do with Gia.”

“Rylie!” she barked.

“You are lying to her. I bet you haven’t told her what happened five years ago, have you? The night of the party, that night you and Dylan had a talk, got drunk…the reason why she ran off.”

“It is none of your goddamn business, Marissa.”

“She was going to ruin everything you worked for, and you still love her?” She laughed as she stood to her feet. “You surprise me Julian, I swear to God, you surprise me every time.” she sighed deeply and stepped closer to me.
