Page 32 of Julian

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“Are you fucking kidding me Dylan?”

“Julian, listen.”

“You do know what they are doing, don’t you? You know what these people are doing!”

“It’s not like I can control it. Julian, I am telling you to let it go!”

“You knew about it,” I said through clenched teeth. “You knew they took Rylie.”

He took a step away from me and bumped into a chair nearly knocking it over.

“I can’t talk about it. I didn’t know until…I couldn’t tell you…they said-”

My fist in his face interrupted his babbling. I heard a crack and he stumbled to the ground. I picked him up by his collar and threw him against the wall.

I trusted him.


He was once my closest friend.


We loved the same woman.


I snarled in delight because Rylie chose me.

The yelling of his assistant behind me caught my attention. I turned and Dylan shuffled over to her.

He had been heavy in debt when he came to me. He told me that the government was not paying well and he wanted to fund his own project. What a load of horse shit. I actually believed he wanted to do good things.

They were building weapons out of humans. Whatever happened to dignity and preservation of life. All of his speeches were merely words to get my money. I had funded the project that took Rylie away from me and changed her. Changed us.

Dylan had crossed the line. They killed my child, they took the memories of my wife, and they had waged a war against Julian Seven. I had come from hell myself and I did not get this far by rolling over, or by letting some self-serving bastards get in the way. No longer was I going to negotiate.

“Mr. Seven, it’s time to go,” a big beefy man in a suit suddenly appeared in the doorway.

Great, the security I help pay for is kicking me out of the building. He put a hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off.

“Mr. Seven,” he tried again.

As I passed Dylan he muttered through his bloody mouth, “This is a fight you can’t win Julian. If you know what’s good for you, stay the hell out of it.”

I wanted to brag to him that my wife was back, but I knew the consequences and kept my mouth shut. Instead, I puffed out my chest like I was going to hit him again. I chuckled as he winced.

“I’m closing this shithole down,” I said.

“You can’t do that,” Dylan’s eyes got wide. “I worked hard for this place.”

“No Dylan, you didn’t. You gave money to bad men and in return they gave you money for all of this,” I stretched out my arm.

“Don’t do this Julian! Julian!” I heard his voice die down as I walked away.

On my way to the rooftop helipad I made a phone call. A voice picked up on the second ring.

“Hey, The Wonder Project. I need all you can dig up on their projects. Anything I may have missed.”

“You were pretty thorough Julian. I’ll do my best.”

I hung up the phone and climbed into the helicopter.

How was I going to face Rylie knowing I had contributed to her torture? When Morla found me and explained where Rylie had been, I feverishly researched them. We had agreed she was safer with Morla while I figured things out, until…God, this was all turning into such a mess. When do I get my happily ever after? I have been through enough to deserve it.
