Page 35 of Julian

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“Drummer!” I tried again.

Suddenly he collapsed and we started rising into the sky. Drummer’s body became smaller and smaller until it all together disappeared from site.

Tears fell from my eyes and Julian squeezed me tightly.

“He…he…he died…because…because of me,” I choked out.

“He was a good man and will go back for him. But first we must make sure you’re safe.”

In that moment I realized maybe my humanity was not all lost. Rather than going straight to plotting retaliation, I continued to sob. A damn of emotions broke lose inside of me and I could not hold back anymore. Maybe there was hope for me after all.

We landed in a remote field and Julian helped me out onto solid ground.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“I’ve had plenty of experience in life to know I needed a secret hideaway. I’ve never had to come here in such dramatic fashion, so thank you for that adrenaline rush. I usually just come here when I need to take a break from the world.”

“This is all like a scene out of a move,” I laughed bitterly.

“Well, between you and me we don’t have what one would call a normal life.”

“Does Drummer have family?”

“He does. I’ll call them when we get inside.”

I nodded not trusting if words could come out instead of tears.

When we got to the cabin, I stayed on the front porch while Julian went inside. I could see him pacing and talking on the phone through the window.

I turned to look back out over the forest. What was all of this for? To keep me safe? Whose life was more important? Drummer’s? Mine? Maybe I should just give up and go back, let them do whatever they wanted to me. This made two people who were now dead because of me.

I felt Julian’s hand on my shoulder.

“We got his body. We are going to take him home.”

“It could be you next,” I blurted. You could-“


“No, they found me once. It’s just a matter of time.”

I touched the blood stain on his arm and he winced.

“You were shot Julian.”

“It’s just a graze.”

“Next time, they won’t miss.”

“You don’t know that,” I looked into his eyes.

“There wouldn’t be a next time,” he cupped each side of my jaw with his hands. I called a guy I know who’s a whiz with encrypted data. If he can’t get anything off of that thing in your head, no one can.” He ran his palms up and down my arms. “Uh, I know another guy, a surgeon who I called too. He’s on his way with a team to set up a space out here and remove that thing.”

“Are you sure there aren’t camera’s filming us?” I asked looking around.

“Right? Maybe you could dream up a great autobiography title and write about your life while you’re under.”

“I’d make millions! I do want to be present when your guy is analyzing this thing,” I tapped the side of my head.
