Page 40 of Julian

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He shot to his feet and started pacing. I had saw him as a friend, but he had only seen me as competition. This situation sure brought out the truth from people who I thought had been my friends. Had I really been in such a haze that I trusted these people? Maybe the lesson of not trusting anyone I learned during my training at the camp really was the truth.

“This is not about me!” I shot back.

“Oh, my dear Julian, the poor orphan with a bad past, it is always about you! Look at Marissa, she-“

“What’s Marissa got to do with any of this?”

“She loves you Julian and you’re too stupid to see it. She would do anything for you. Not only do you get the business, but you get the girl too. You know how many times I tried to get not just her body, but earn her love? For years she gave both of those things to you and brushed her off. Finally, when you gave in and kissed her, it was at my party. My party. The one that was to celebrate my achievements.”

“Seriously Dylan? That has nothing to do with why you’re here in this dark warehouse in the early hours of the morning.”

“You’re a bigger fool than I thought Julian. I told you several times to separate business from pleasure, but you…you can’t differentiate the two, can you?” he slammed his fist on the desk and I again pointed the gun at him as a warning.

“Marissa said you made her sign an NDA to keep your secrets. That’s a pretty shady thing to do to the woman you care about. Let’s talk being a fool, Dylan.”

“That’s what she told you?” He scoffed as he settled back in his seat. “She said I made her sign a non-disclosure?”

He starred at his hands for a few seconds before looking up at me.

“Did she tell you we’ve been sleeping together? I guess your tiny little cock isn’t enough for her.”

“Would you like me to shove it up your ass and find out?”

He got up and bent over with his butt in my face.

“Wow, it’s like you’re still a five-year-old little boy. Can we actually get to why you’re here or do you just want to keep up with the dick measuring contest? She was attacked, but I guess you already knew that because you work for them. I lost a good guy in that gunfire. When will they leave us alone?”

He shook his head and a sly smile crept up.

“You are still as confused as ever lover boy. They want nothing to do with you. She’s their property. She has something that belongs to them, and they will stop at nothing to get it back.”

“You bastard!”

“There is no need wasting energy on me, it is useless. All I can tell you is that you are surround by enemies,” he looked out the glass windows into the hallway where two of my men stood, then back at me. “I’m a dead man anyways. When your goons picked me up, they put a target on my back. If you want this to be over, you have to let Rylie go. She can’t remember you anyways, so what’s the point?”

I jabbed my fist into his face releasing a stream of blood from his nose.

Dylan smiled through blood-stained teeth, “you already took away my business. I have nothing left to lose.”

Maybe he did not know me after all. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my pictures until I saw the one I was looking for. It was a little blonde hair, blue-eyed boy looking up with a grin minus his two front teeth. My son could be that age right now. I hated that this was what I had to do. If they all wanted to play dirty, so would I.

I flipped my phone around so Dylan could see what I was looking at. I shoved the phone in his face. His smirk quickly faded. He tried to get out of his chair, but my men were quick to restrain him.

As he was thrashing about, he yelled, “don’t do this Julian, please don’t do this.”

“You killed my son,” I said through clenched teeth. “Turnabout is fair play.”

“Julian, he’s just a kid. Don’t do this!”

“You know I don’t bluff, we’ve already established that. One last time, who ordered the hit on Rylie? You know I’m going to find out anyways.”

“I can’t,” he muttered. “I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

Was he serious right now? Was he going to put the life of his son in jeopardy because he was trying to protect the people who did not give two fucks about him? For my son I would gladly give up my life. He had tried to hide his family, even from me. I had hired someone to find everything they could on Dylan and The Wonder Project. As it turned out, he had a kid. Now, he was willing to give up that kid to save his own skin. I really misjudged these people in my life and that made me even more angry.

I slammed my phone onto the desk and stood to my feet.

“Get the fuck out of my sight you waste of a human. I can’t believe I called you a friend.”
