Page 50 of Julian

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He was sitting on the couch watching T.V.

I bent down and slapped him across the face.

“What in the-“

I slapped him again.

“Rylie, what the fuck?”

“You lied to me!” I yelled an inch away from his face.

I pulled my hand back to slap him again, but he caught my wrist.

“Did you fuck her?” I asked.


“It’s a yes or no question.”

“No, I didn’t…”

“Don’t you dare lie to me! I know the both of you kissed.”

He went silent.

His silence was the only answer I needed. I tried to explain that Marissa wanted me dead, that Orson was in on it, but it seemed I was only spitting out gibberish. He kept trying to tell me to calm down. I was stumbling incoherently over my words, trying to get everything out, but all he saw was a woman losing her mind.

He stood and tried to bring me into an embrace. I was not going to calm down.

“I have proof!” I reached inside my pocket to find the recorder, but it wasn’t there.

“Jesus Rylie.”

“You don’t believe me? I hired a private investigator through Bart.”

“You are still in contact with Bart after I told you not to? Do you know what that is going to do to the company?”

“You are not listening to me!”

“No, you’re not listening to me!”

I laughed scornfully.

“You want me to hear that Marissa is some big bad guy? Please! She kissed me, but I told her to back the hell off because I love you. I always choose you Rylie. I even fired her. I ask you to trust me, yet you never can. You go and meet Bart again? I mean, Bart of all people. That’s who you choose to help you. Are you serious right now? Do you know how much money we’ve lost because of all of this bullshit you’ve caused?” He waved his arms around wildly.

“I’ve caused? I’ve caused? I have fought for every scrap I get. Because I’m a woman somehow I can’t run the company or even the shop. Yet…yet you trust Marissa. Fuck off Julian. You don’t want to hear about how shitty of a person your precious Marissa is. She wants me dead and all you can think of is the damn money. How about the thirty-eight million you gave her. Let’s talk about that money Julian. You want to be on your high horse. You’re probably in on all of this shit with her. Motherfucker,” I muttered as I turned to leave.

I was getting nowhere with Julian. I was tired, angry, and done.

I passed Orson.

“I know what you did. I have proof. You and Marissa are going to pay, I’ll make sure of it.”

As I opened the front door, I looked over my shoulder, “Oh, by the way, I’m pregnant.”

As I pulled the car door closed, I could hear Julian yelling at me to come back.

I threw the car into reverse and drove away.
