Page 54 of Julian

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“Hi doc,” Rylie said.

“I leave for five minutes and World War Three breaks out. What happened? How do you feel? Are you okay?”

“I am,” she responded sounding weary. “Did you get it to him?”

“I did just as you asked. Not a typical task for a doctor but this all feels like extenuating circumstances,” he turned and looked at the burning house.

“Yeah, this is anything but typical,” I responded. “I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done.”

“Well, the amount of money you gave me is plenty. I’ll call in a couple of days to check on you, Rylie. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you feel dizzy, nauseous…oh wait, that reminds me. I am pleased to tell you, you have a bun in that oven. I didn’t realize until after your surgery so I would advise some testing to make sure it's healthy. Anesthesia and all…well, good luck on whatever lose ends you have to wrap up here and your new baby.”

The doctor walked away leaving both of us stunned in silence.

Suddenly, she jumped up and hugged me with a squeal.

“Julian, I thought they made it so I couldn't get pregnant ever again. Oh my god! We’re going to have a baby! Maybe we can have a dozen babies.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” I cautioned.

“Why aren’t you as excited as I am? I thought you’d be over the moon. It’s our chance to make up for lost time.”

“Um, Rylie, sweetheart, I have something to tell you…”

“Okay…” she trailed off sitting back down.

I knelt in front of her and took her hands in mine.

“I know this is our chance to start over and I know there are some things we’ll have to clear up. First, I want to assure you I had no idea my money was going to such a sinister cause. I promise. I thought I was just helping a friend and making a profit as a side bonus. While you were…away, Marissa and I were seeing each other.”

“Did you guys…”

I nodded, “yes, we did. I’m really sorry. That’s not all. Um…we…uh…how do I say this?”

“Just spit it out. There will be no more secrets between us.”

“Okay. Um…Marissa is pregnant.”

“What?!” she jumped up.

“I thought she was just trying to trap me, but I’m pretty sure she’s telling the truth.”

“That little bit-“

Rylie stormed over to the car where Marissa was and beat on the window.

“I hope you rot in hell!” she yelled. “I’m going to see to it that you never get out of prison and live to be an old miserable woman. The death sentence would be mercy.”

I lightly touched her shoulder and when she turned, her expression was filled with such hate that I thought she would punch me.

“I need a minute,” she bit out then walked to a line of trees.

My hands came up to my face and I kept rubbing my eyes not sure if it was the smoke in the air or the emotions coursing through my body. After I escaped the camp, I just wanted a quiet life yet here I was in front of a burning house with a wife who just had a chip removed from her head and another woman pregnant with my baby.

Something triggered inside and I ran over to where Rylie stood staring at the trees. I was not going to give up on having a happily ever after even if it was a little unusual.

“Rylie,” I whispered gently putting a hand on her shoulder.

When she turned, my heart shattered into a million pieces. Tears were streaming down her face, and she sniffed, hard. I pulled her to me and held her tight.
