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The two women embraced, and Macie felt like she’d entered the movie set of Stepford Wives. Maybe it was time for Macie to go check on Ruby again.

“Thanks for the strawberries.” Heidi drew away from Barb. “You’re always doing something for me, and I can never keep up.”

“Well, you’ve got your hands full,” Barb said, her eyes busily taking in every detail of Macie’s appearance. “And now, you’ve got company.”

Could her eyebrows lift any higher, Macie wondered? So, Holt had a girlfriend. Good for him. Although Macie wondered why he hadn’t mentioned her. And what did Holt see in this Barbie-like woman, besides the obvious physical attributes?

“Sooo, you’ve got a little girl?” Barb continued, her blue eyes fluttering, and her smile way too perky.

“Ruby’s three,” Macie said. “She’s out with her grandpa riding a pony.”

Barb clapped her hands together. “It’s hard to believe that the mayor is a gampy. That’s so adorable.”

Was baby-talking a thing for Barb? “Yes, I suppose—”

“You don’t know where I can find Holt, do you?” Barb asked Heidi.

“He’s either in the barn or the arena,” Heidi said. “Supper’s in half an hour, so you should stay. Holt would love it.”

“Oh, thank you.” Barb brought a hand to her chest. “That’s so sweet of you to offer. I think I will. I just love your family.” She moved out of the kitchen. “I’ll find Holt, then we’ll be back in for supper soon.”

When Barb left, Heidi smiled over at Macie. “Well, if you’re going to stay all summer, you’ll find an instant friend in Barbie. She’s as nice as they come.”

Macie really wanted to ask more about how serious Holt and Barb were, but she didn’t dare. “She seems great,” she said at last.

What Heidi said next only made Macie more confused. “Barb’s been interested in Holt for as long as I can remember. He’s never given much notice until lately. Ever since her engagement to another man in the next town was broken off, Barb’s been coming around again. Holt needs to realize that the best woman in the county is right in front of him. He’d better scoop her up before another man does.”

Best woman in the county?Macie dreaded meeting the others.

She moved to the cupboards to get dishes and set another place at the table. “Maybe Holt’s not ready to commit?” She practically felt Heidi glaring at her back. Oops.

“I know that young people today don’t really date formally,” Heidi said. “But Holt’s a grown man.”

He certainly was. Macie set down the next place setting.

“I’m sure you’ve dated plenty since your divorce,” Heidi said in a huff.

Really?Macie slowly looked up. What she wanted to say and what she actually said were two different things. “Knox was my first boyfriend. And I married him. After we divorced, I decided that Ruby was going to be my main focus.”

Heidi folded her arms. “Is that right?”

The woman’s tone might be suspicious, but there was a softening around her eyes. “That’s right,” Macie said. “I don’t want to make Ruby’s life more complicated than it already is. She doesn’t even really understand divorce in the first place.”

Heidi was back to pursing her lips.

Why did Macie have to keep defending herself? Time for a change of topic while waiting for the others to arrive. “Barb looks like she’s a regular cowgirl. Does she have a ranch, too?”

“Her daddy runs cows.” Two lines between Heidi’s brows appeared. The woman wasn’t fooled, but she went along with the change of subject. “Barb, well, she’s amazing really. Runs half the rodeo now. Always setting up community service events.”

Macie didn’t doubt it, but she still wondered what Holt truly thought of Barb. She was beautiful in a shiny, glittery, semi-fake way. Holt seemed too down-to-earth for that type of woman.

Heidi pulled out a kitchen chair and sat down. “I think Holt’s a bit gun shy after watching what happened between his brother and you.”

Macie literally had no answer, and anything she might have said would have come out in a trembling voice. Was Heidi seriously blaming Holt’s relationship problems on her? Macie turned from the table again and busied herself with stirring the boiling potatoes. She was sure that her face was red from being targeted . . . again.

Heidi didn’t seem to notice. She continued talking about Holt’s dating life. “He was dating someone about a year ago, but it ended, and he wasn’t too forthcoming about the reason. But it coincided with your divorce, so it wasn’t hard to put two and two together. Those boys are close, you know.” She rose from the table and said, “That chicken’s smelling done.”

Macie stilled. Knox and Holt were close? That was news to her. Her mind raced back to recall what all she’d said about Knox to Holt. Would he report back to his brother?
