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“Got pushed until later this afternoon,” his dad said. “And I think this sweet pea has all of us wrapped around her little finger.”

This Holt couldn’t deny.

“Thanks for the pancakes,” his dad continued. “What’s got into you lately? You’ve been whistling up a storm, and now you’re cooking?”

“I cook plenty,” Holt said. “You forget that I’ve been a homeowner for going on two years.”

“I remember.” His dad eyed him thoughtfully beneath the brim of his hat. “Is it that Barb woman who’s got you all fired up?”

It took Holt a moment to realize what his dad was talking about. “Barb’s a nice woman, but she’s a little too, uh, overwhelming for me.”

His dad nodded, but he continued to study Holt.

And Holt had the common sense to get back to busy. “Gotta get some water, then finish up training.”

Rex gave a slow nod. “Sure thing.”

Holt continued on his way, feeling his dad’s gaze following him until he turned the corner and walked into the office, where he had a mini fridge stashed with cold water bottles.

He wondered where Macie was. Would she be coming out to watch Ruby, or would she avoid the barn all day because of his offer to teach her to ride? Ever since the argument with his brother the day before, Holt felt an urgency to spend time with Macie. Which was ridiculous because Knox was returning to Prosper to woo her back, and Holt had no claim on her whatsoever.

And wouldn’t it just be a slow torture to spend more time with her? Which he kicked off himself by making pancakes this morning, lingering in the kitchen, and then offering to teach her to ride a horse.

Apparently, he was terrible at taking his own advice. He pulled out his cell phone and sent a text. He hadn’t texted or called her before. There’d been no need. But he’d gotten her number from his mom regardless.

I have an idea. –Holt

A minute, or two, later, her reply came. What are you up to?

Come to the arena, and I’ll tell you.

No reply for several minutes this time. Then, she wrote: Give me twenty minutes.

With his dad and Ruby in the smaller arena, Holt had the barn to himself to saddle up Bonney, his favorite mare. She was several years old and could run like the wind when she needed to, but overall, she was mellow. He slipped a couple of water bottles into a saddle bag, then led Bonney out of the barn.

He told his dad his plans, then headed to the arena with the mare, where he waited for Macie. If anything, he hoped to find out where her feelings stood with Knox. Did she still harbor hope that he’d change and they could reconcile? By the time her twenty minutes were up—not that Holt was counting—he was practically pacing the fence.

When Macie came from around the side of the barn, his mouth went dry. She was wearing low-slung jeans, a black V-neck shirt, and those boots he’d bought her. Her hair was gathered at the nape of her neck, then braided down one side.

He tried to keep his gaze on her face only, but it was impossible.

“Who’s this?” Macie asked, slowing when she reached him, her eyes on the mare.

“Her name’s Bonney,” Holt said. “Wanna say hi?”

At her hesitation, he moved closer to Macie, still holding onto Bonney’s reins. He grasped Macie’s hand and brought it to the horse’s nose. “Let her smell you first and get used to your scent.”

Macie did so. “I feel like a kid. I’m not afraid of horses, I just . . . I don’t know. I think it has something to do with Knox.”

Holt tried not to react, tried not to let his heart hope . . . did this mean that she was completely over her ex? He exhaled slowly. “I was thinking, if you want, I could take you for a ride on Bonney. You sit in front. I’ll hold the reins, and you won’t have to do anything. Just relax and ride with me.” It was a bold offer. One that would take him across a line he probably shouldn’t be stepping over.

Macie didn’t answer at first. But she was stroking the horse’s forehead now, so Holt took that as a good sign.

“That would put us in very close proximity to each other.”

Yeah.He knew.

“Or . . . you could ride,” he said, “and I’d walk, holding onto the reins, of course. We could stay in the small arena.”
