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“Good to know,” Macie said.

As they headed back to the bus stop hand in hand, Ruby skipped alongside her.

“What did you think?” Macie asked, although she was pretty sure she knew the answer.

“I love it!” Ruby declared. “Can Sammy move here, too?”

“I’m afraid not,” Macie said, holding back a laugh. And . . . they were back on topic with horses.

When they arrived at the bus stop, they still had thirty minutes to wait for the next one. Close by was a small antique store. Macie thought they might as well browse to pass the time.

“Ruby, can you promise not to touch anything if we go inside that store for a moment?” she asked.

Ruby scrunched her nose. “What store is it?”

“It sells things that are old and very valuable.”


As they walked through the store, Macie was charmed with many of the items, although she knew there wasn’t any way to afford them.

“Look, it’s me!” Ruby said, pointing to a metal sculpture of a girl on a pony.

Macie paused in front of the sculpture, holding Ruby’s hand tightly. “I love it.” The dangling price tag put the thing close to $1,000.

“Can I help you?” someone said, and Macie turned to look at an older man with nearly white hair and a rather impressive mustache.

“We’re just browsing,” Macie said.

“It’s my grandma’s birthday today!” Ruby announced.

Macie flinched. Her daughter forgot nothing.

“Is that so?” the shopkeeper said. “Does she like antiques?”

Ruby shrugged. “She reads me books.”

“Ah, so you’re a reader,” the shopkeeper said in an amused tone.

This reminded Macie . . . “Do you have any first editions of mystery novels?”

“I have a few things along that line from estate sales,” he said. “Come this way.”

Ten minutes later, Macie had purchased a signed copy of a hardback mystery. Even if Heidi had read it, she probably didn’t have a signed copy, right?

As the bus pulled away from San Antonio, Ruby sat next to her, the wrapped book clutched against her chest as if it were the greatest treasure on earth. Macie exhaled and closed her eyes. Maybe she could stop in for a short time tonight to wish Heidi a happy birthday. Having Ruby with her would be an ice breaker, and Macie wouldn’t need to deal with Heidi one on one anyway.

She opened her eyes and pulled out her cell phone from her purse.

Then she called a number she’d never thought she’d utilize.
