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“Are these bracelets from your company?” Heidi Prosper asked, touching the row of bracelets on Macie’s arm.

Macie sat at the scrubbed oak table across from Heidi. Rex had taken Ruby outside to show her about the ranch, and had promised to end up at the barn to take her on her first ride on Sammy, the pony. Macie couldn’t have dreamed up a better welcome for her little girl. Ruby was in absolute heaven, and Macie was regretting not reaching out to the family sooner, or even during her marriage to Knox. She should have insisted that he make things good with his dad.

Though she wished she could go back and change things, she knew that it would have been impossible. Knox hadn’t even wanted his father’s name mentioned. His mother got away with short visits, but those came to an end a year ago when everything fell apart.

“Yes, I guess I’m a walking billboard.” Macie looked down at her arm. “I’ve ordered my next round of supplies to be delivered to this address so I can keep up with my orders. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not, dear,” Heidi said with a smile. “I’m so looking forward to your stay. I want you to feel at home.”

“Thank you.” Macie met Heidi’s blue gaze that was similar to Holt’s. Heidi wore more makeup than Macie had ever noticed on her before, and it was clear she’d lost about fifteen pounds. “You’ve been wonderful. You’ve all been wonderful. Even Holt seems to have worked magic on a very tired little girl.”

Heidi nodded, her eyes bright. “Holt’s great with kids—just don’t tell him I said so.”

Macie completely agreed. “I wouldn’t dare.” She picked up the glass of peach lemonade Heidi had set before her. The cool drink was sweet and delicious.

“Now, tell me what’s going on with Knox,” Heidi asked.

Just like that, the elephant in the room had been acknowledged.

Macie set down her glass. “I haven’t heard from him in a while.”

“That’s not what I’m asking.”

The no-nonsense tone from Heidi was new, and Macie battled with how much of the truth she should tell her former mother-in-law.

“He still loves you, you know,” Heidi continued.

Macie’s stomach flipped. This was news to her, and even if it were true, Knox’s string of women had said otherwise. “Things are very complicated,” she said at last. “Knox and I weren’t . . . compatible.” In addition to having no idea what Knox had told his family, Macie didn’t know what Heidi might tell him about this conversation.

“I think I’d prefer to keep the details to myself for now,” Macie said at last. “Everything is pretty raw still.” Please can we change the subject, she wanted to say. Her eyes smarted, and the last thing she wanted to do was cry over Knox in front of his mom.

Heidi’s mouth pursed into a thin line, and Macie hated the coolness she now felt from the woman. Did Macie not have a right to her privacy? Was she really expected to tell her ex-mother-in-law about the night that she had found condoms in Knox’s jacket? Condoms that had nothing to do with their marriage because Macie had been on birth control since Ruby was born.

“Now, tell me how your company works,” Heidi asked, her tone still not quite warm.

Macie hid a sigh. If Ruby hadn’t been so deliriously happy to go outside with her grandpa this morning, Macie would be seriously second-guessing her decision to come here.

But what had she expected? Coming to her ex-husband’s childhood home was certainly going to have some sort of emotional impact. Macie just hadn’t planned on his mother’s animosity.

“I run the business online.” Macie pulled out her phone. “I have classic styles, and customers can order custom styles as well. I try to turn the orders around in a few days so that the customers get them within a week.” She showed Heidi the website and clicked through some of the options.

Heidi was silent as Macie shifted through the images.

Then, Heidi pointed to a pale green bracelet with several charms. “This one’s nice.”

Relief flowed through Macie. Maybe bracelets would be a safe topic between them. “That’s the serenity bracelet. I can make you one if you want, or any other combination.”

Heidi’s gaze cut to Macie’s, and her voice was reluctant when she said, “Well, if it’s not too much trouble.”

Macie had seen the spark of interest in the woman’s eyes, and this gave her hope. “No trouble. You’re the one who’s putting me and Ruby up.”

With a stiff nod, Heidi said, “You’re family.”

There was no warmth in her tone, though. Macie took a careful breath. She needed to keep things mellow. “Ruby was so excited to be around her grandparents.” Which was mostly true. Ruby hardly remembered her grandparents.

“Ruby reminds me of her father,” Heidi said. “Full of life, and the same expressions. Her little nose, and that darling chin.” Finally, the woman smiled, but it was for a reason that felt like a dagger to Macie’s heart.

And Macie knew for a fact that Ruby looked like her, not Knox. Yeah, there were small things in Ruby that were similar to her dad, but . . .
