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First, he knelt in front of Ruby and took her hand. “Hi, little darlin’,” he said. “You look real pretty today.”

Ruby smiled, her brown eyes crinkling.

“And since today’s a very special day for me and your mother, I wanted to say a few things to you first.”

“Okay, Holt.”

He chuckled, then said, “You know you’re my little darlin’, and I also want you to know that I’m honored to be your stepdad. I hope that you’ll always be able to ask me for help, with anything, and know that I’ll never turn you away. The most important thing in my life is taking care of you and your mother.”

Ruby nodded.

“I love you, little darlin’, and I hope you’ll always feel that.”

Ruby threw her arms about his neck, nearly shifting him off balance.

“I love you, too, Holt!”

He grinned and pulled her close, then when he finally released her, he rose and faced his almost-bride.

Macie wiped at the tears on her face with a shaking hand.

Holt released a breath. “Darling Macie,” he began.

She gave him a trembling smile.

The sounds of the church and the eyes of the congregation faded until he only saw Macie. “You’re the love of my life,” he continued, “and I’m the luckiest man on earth today.”

Her beautiful brown eyes gazed back at him, loving, and more importantly, trusting.

“I promise to always care for you, to cherish you,” he said. “I promise to never forsake you and to spend the rest of my days serving you.” He might have said other things, but it all turned into a blur.

When it was Macie’s turn, she pulled out a paper tucked into her bouquet. “I needed a list,” she said with a soft laugh.

Others around them smiled, and Macie wiped at her tears, then unfolded the paper. “To my love, Holt Prosper. When I was a little girl, I dreamed of marrying someday in a church full of summer flowers, while wearing a white dress and standing across from a handsome man. What I didn’t know was that sometimes life takes unexpected detours.” She sniffled, then continued, “Some of those days have been very hard and dark, but ever since I saw you at the airport on that summer day in June, my world has become brighter and brighter every day.”

She met his gaze. “Thank you for being the light in my life, Holt, and thank you for loving me and my little girl. My love for you is without limit or depth, and I can only hope that I’ll always live worthy of it.” Tears dripped on her paper as she folded it.

When she looked up again, Holt said, “I love you, darlin’.”

“I love you, too,” she whispered.

The reverend jumped in and pronounced them man and wife, and it was a good thing, too, because Holt was tired of not kissing his sweetheart.

The words, “And you may now kiss your bride,” were barely uttered when Holt closed the distance and slid his hand behind her neck. Then he lowered his head to hers and kissed her.

Applause erupted around them, but Holt continued kissing Macie. She clutched at his tuxedo lapels, and didn’t seem to mind their audience.

Finally, he broke it off, if only to move along the rest of the wedding events. Keeping ahold of Macie’s hand on one side, and Ruby’s on his other side, they turned to the congregation. Another countdown had begun in his mind. They’d be arriving at an exclusive bed and breakfast retreat for their honeymoon in two hours and ten minutes. A place recommended by Kellie. And a place where Holt planned to prove to Macie how much she meant to him. He would show her how a true man treats his wife.

“Ready, darlin’?” he asked.

Macie squeezed his hand, her gaze flicking to his face. “I sure am.”

He might have stolen another kiss or two before they began the walk up the aisle, out of the church, and into their new life. Together.
