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“I told you he’s a great guy,” Carson said.

“So are you.” Evie slid her hand into his, and they linked their fingers. Warmth zinged through her at the feel of his strong hand fitting with hers as if they were an unbreakable unit. With the rest of the family at the buffet, no one was paying them mind.

Carson’s mouth lifted into a smile as his gaze soaked her in. “I like seeing you happy. And you deserve your family here to celebrate what you’ve accomplished.”

“Are you trying to steal my heart, or something?”

Carson lifted his brows. “Is it working?”

She rested her free hand on his chest, right over his heart. “You stole it a while ago.”

Carson leaned down until they were only a breath away from each other. “I like hearing that, sweetness.” He kissed her gently, briefly, but with a thousand future promises.

Evie drew away with a sigh. She couldn’t look away from his dark eyes, and she couldn’t get enough of being around this man.

“I love you, Carson Hunt,” she whispered.

His eyes widened, but then his smile only broadened. “I love you right back, Evie Prosper.”

She was grinning, and her heart was soaring as Lane called out to them.

“Food’s getting cold, you two,” he said. “Better hurry before Knox and Holt finish off the entire buffet.”

Her family members laughed, and Evie knew she was blushing by the time she turned to walk with Carson to the other side of the restaurant. Before meeting Carson, she’d been dead set against ever living in Prosper again, but now, she knew it might be a possibility. Someday.

With Carson at her side.
