Page 2 of Warming His Bed

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“That may be, but I didn’t list my house for rent on that sketchy-ass website and it’s not my fault you were stupid enough to use it.”

“If you didn’t list your house, then how the hell would you know if the website is sketchy or not?” My mother always told me I chose the wrong battles to dig my heels in on.

“It’s listed in the footer of the confirmation email.”

“I’m sure,” I gulped as I read the name in tiny font at the bottom of the message then stood my ground, “ is a perfectly reputable site.” Fucking Lauren.

He snorted as he ran a hand through his jet-black hair. “Then I’m sure you’ll have no problem getting a full refund. Now if you’ll do me the favor of getting off my porch.”

Defeated, I pulled my foot out of his door and looked up and down the street like already-paid-for lodgings were going to miraculously spring up if I wished hard enough. I must have looked even more dejected than I felt, because he let out another put-upon sigh.

“Kelly Bay Pines Motel is only about five miles from here. They’ll have a room open. It’s not exactly the height of tourist season.”

Right. I was here a few weeks before the town’s “Bay Days” festival to suss out whether the rumors of Hollywood star Axel Everett having a vacation home here were true or not. Although why on earth any Midwestern town would opt to have a festival in late April was beyond me. According to my research, it snowed forty percent of the time during the festivities.

“You can look up directions.” He gave the phone in my hand one more quick glance before shutting the door on my hopes of a hot shower and a comfortable bed in my immediate future.
