Page 17 of Loving Grant

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“You old dog!” Matt chuckles, grinning widely. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

We’re at Baxter’s Pub close to work for our agreed upon lunch. He’s earned it, so I have no problems paying out for it, though I’m suspecting the almost empty glass of stout beer in front of him isn’t his first, as he was already seated when I arrived.

“And she’s twenty-two?” He grabs at his glass and drains it swiftly. “I gotta admit, I might have cautioned you against it if you had told me her age earlier.”

Frowning, I pause, reaching for my glass of Guinness. “What does that have to do with anything?” I mutter, feeling a bit of disquiet creeping down my spine. Some of my old worries about what a man like me can offer her rearing their ugly heads.

Matt ignores me, motioning for the server to bring him another beer. Only when a fresh glass is in hand does he continue. “You’re what? Mid-30s?” At my nod, he continues. “And this is the real deal for you. Not a quick bit of fun?”

I force back a growl. “Not just a quick bit of fun,” I grit out.

His jovial expression instantly sobers. “But is it for her?” he asks, voicing one of my doubts.

Hearing it out loud makes it even more painful.

We’ve spent the past two nights at her house, mostly in bed or making out like teenagers on the couch. And it’s been nothing less than wonderful for me. Like agreed upon, we take the time to talk and she’s delightful. If I hadn’t already been in love with her, I would be now. She’s funny, committed to her business, and very sweet and open with her affection. When her blue eyes connect with mine, I feel like the luckiest man in the world.

But the fact remains that this is all very new. And like Matt just pointed out, though we agree on a lot of things, such as core values and goals, we might be on two separate tracks when it comes to a timeline for love. I’m ready to commit. She’s the one for me. I have zero doubts about that. I want a family and I’m at the place in my career where I’m ready for it to happen. She’s starting out and though she’s very mature, the fact remains that she’s fourteen years younger than me.

“Ahhh… I see by your face that you’re not sure.” Matt rolls his shoulders in a lazy shrug. “Well, don’t let it get you down. You have the time to woo her and win her over.” He lets out another laugh, shaking his head, before holding up his glass. “To love, may it be enough.”

A bit of bitterness taints his words and warps his normally cheerful countenance into a sneer. There’s a story there, but I have a feeling he doesn’t feel like sharing it, so I don’t press.

Despite some lingering dark thoughts stirred up by lunch, my mood is still light as I finish up work that evening. It’s Friday and Brittany is coming over for dinner. Sadly, she can’t spend the night due to traveling for a client this weekend.

I’m in the parking garage when my phone chimes, signaling a message. With a grin, I pull it out, knowing it’s Brittany.

BRITTANY: Going to have to take a rain check on dinner tonight. Need to hit the road earlier than I thought. Heading out in a few minutes. XXOO

I hit her number and listen to it ring before it goes to message.


Then again, she likes her music loud, so she probably can’t even hear the phone. Guess I have to settle for leaving a voice message for now.

“Hey beautiful, I’ll miss you. Drive safe and call me when you get to the hotel, okay?” I hesitate, the words I want to say burning on the tip of my tongue. Swallowing them down, I continue, “Talk soon.”

Ending the call, my shoulders slump, and an inaudible sigh tumbles out.

I need to get used to this. Brittany is a young entrepreneur with a schedule much different from mine. When I joked about wanting to monopolize all her free time, I didn’t realize how true that would be.


The weekend flies by, made bearable by multiple texting sessions a day with Brittany. Her client’s dogs won several awards, and she is going to write a testimony about Brittany’s services. We agree to celebrate Monday night at her house and, even better, we both schedule Tuesday off to spend the day together.

I duck out of work early to do a little shopping, wanting to surprise her with flowers and whatever else catches my eye. I’m not big on shopping, but the mall is a dangerous place for a man in love with a sizeable checking account.

Glittery gems displayed in one of the jewelry stores catch my attention and while I stare at the flashy rings, I can’t help envisioning one of them on Brittany’s finger. What style would she favor? She doesn’t wear much jewelry other than tiny gold studs in her ears, probably because of her work, so that’s no help.

I’m sure I’m grinning like the lovesick fool I am when a saleswoman approaches me with a smile as bright as the diamonds displayed. “Can I help you, sir?”

“No, no thank you,” I say, backing away and continuing to walk around. Now’s not the time to be thinking of rings. Though a man can dream.

Picking up a cute stuffed animal, in addition to flowers and candy, I’m on the way back to my house when my phone rings. Putting it on speaker while I drive, I don’t even look at the display, calling out a cheerful hello.

“Mr. Jones? This is Carl Walker with Griffin Plastics. Is now a convenient time to talk?”

I jab at the steering wheel, taking the call off speaker and tucking the phone to my ear while easing my truck onto the shoulder of the road. “Yes, Mr. Walker, it is.”
