Page 19 of Loving Grant

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And who am I? Just some dog groomer.

Fighting back the tears, I give him a hug, trying to imprint how perfect he feels and breathe in the clean smell of him. “Congratulations. You’ll do great.” I take a shaky breath and draw back, not even trying to hide the tears trickling down my cheeks. “I might have a bottle of wine somewhere. We should celebrate.”

I turn away and swipe at my face when his hand grabs mine.

“Brittany, this isn’t the end of us. I’ll do whatever it takes to make this work. Long distance dating, other people swing it. I’ll fly back on weekends-”

Sniffing, I let out a weak little laugh. “That will get old fast.”

“Maybe.” His lips curl up in a gentle smile. “But you’re worth it. I’m sorry the timing isn’t better.” Grant comes closer, his hand trailing up my wrist slowly, his other hand caressing my cheek. “Brittany, I want you in my life. You’re already a big part of it.”

His eyes are deep with emotion, and I can’t look away. “You’re the most important part. My happiness and my heart belong to you. I love you.”

Lifting on my tiptoes, I slam my mouth into his, kissing him for all I’m worth. My fingers bunch into his shirt. The need to get closer overwhelming me.

He loves me! It vibrates through me, the words swirling about with a magic of their own.

Grant lowers me down to my feet, his lips leaving mine. “Would you move out there with me?”

“I..I can’t!” I cry out, trying to jerk away from him, but his hands on my arms refuse to let me go.

“Why not, Brittany?”

“You have your job, this big opportunity, moving on to the next stage of your career and here I’m just getting my business going…” I say, feeling sad and small all at once.

He closes his eyes and lets me go, scrubbing at his face. His eyes are moist when he looks at me. “Every weekend,” he promises. “You might not love me yet, but I hope that someday-”

I cut him off, grabbing at his face, the hairs of his stubble rough under my palms. “I do love you! I do!”

“You do?”

A tiny laugh escapes me. “Of course, I do. I think I was halfway in love with you when you flipped off my ex with me.”

“Then come with me,” he implores. “Let’s build our life together.”

Fresh tears burn my eyes. “But I’ll have to start all over.”

Grant nods and covers my hands with his. “Yes, you would. You won’t be doing it alone, though. This time you’ll be doing it with me.”

He makes it all sound so simple. Just up and move to a new state and start a whole new business.

His face is full of tenderness, hope, and love while he gazes at me.

Once upon a time I thought Grant average in looks, and forgettable. The smile that stretches across his face makes my breath catch in my chest. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. And he’s mine. If I have the courage to say yes.

“Yes,” I say, putting every ounce of love I feel for him into that single word.

Grant’s smile widens even further before he presses his lips to mine in a kiss that steals my breath and makes my heart beat faster. Life is uncertain, but I’ll never regret loving Grant.
