Page 54 of Earl of Spades

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Lily’s lips pressed together as her stomach sank. Who was the Chancellor? The Governor had mentioned a brother. Was that him? How many villains would they have to fight?

She shook her head. That was a question for later. They had to survive the man stalking them through the grass first. His voice moved steadily closer as Lily’s hands and feet tingled with the impending confrontation.

Arabella pushed forward, moving into a crouch, and with a stiff nod, Lily got on all fours like a predator, preparing to strike.

Not a moment later, he appeared, towering over them.

Lily hesitated for a single second, fear pulsing through her as her muscles twitched.

But just as she was about to jump, a shot rang out in the night and as quickly as the man had appeared, he fell, landing beside them.

Lily let out a cry.

“Lily,” Ash’s voice bellowed through the night.

“Here,” she cried as Edge appeared too.

“Bella,” Edge ground out as he dropped to his knees. “Sweetheart, are you all right?”

Ash dropped down next to Lily to wrap her in his arms. “I was here. I would never have let him take you.”

She nodded into his shoulder, wrapping her arms about his neck. She’d have stayed there forever, but a moment later, Arabella hugged them both. “Lily saved my life. Again.”

“I think that was Ash,” she mumbled. “Did you shoot him?”

“No. I did,” Edge said, joining their hug. “Bet you didn’t think having a brother-in-law would be so helpful.”

She nearly laughed. “I didn’t know any family would ever be like this.”

“I didn’t either,” Ash replied. “But here we are.”

A family. One that she’d risk her life for and one that would do the same for her. This was the life she’d been hoping for. She knew that now. Drawing in a deep breath, she untangled herself from their hug. “The shooting has stopped. Let’s go check on everyone else.”

With a nod, Ash rose, pulling her to her feet as well.

Hand in hand, they made their way to the barn.
