Page 148 of Shards of You and Me

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That’s enough. It’s enough for her and enough for me. If we can keep it light, then that’ll surely reduce our suffering.

A few weeks pass before she texts me.

Annie: Tamsin told me Sammy’s living with you. How do the sheep feel about it?

Me: Weirdly, they seem to like him.

Annie: Well, there’s no accounting for taste ;)

In March she texts again.

Annie: I got a part-time job at a kids’ shoe shop.

Me: Congrats. Hope your new boss isn’t a sleazy fuck like the last one.

Annie: So far she’s been well-behaved.

Me: :)

In April I text her.

Me: Did you know your mum sold the house? She bought that little cottage behind the mechanics.

Annie: Oh. She take Banjo with her?

Me: Yeah. Saw him in the yard when I passed yesterday.

Annie: He hates fences :(

It’s well into May when I hear from her again.

Annie: Any idea where Charlie ended up? Bridget’s been asking about him.

Me: Did you tell her he won’t fit on the terrace?

Annie: *eye roll*

Me: He was sold to the Wilkons.

I actually showed up at their house when I found out, offering to buy the horse they had just purchased for their daughter. Needless to say, the door was politely closed in my face.

Annie: The Wilkons are a nice family. Thanks x

I stare at that x on my phone for an embarrassing amount of time. It’s the most intimate thing to have taken place between us in months. I go to text her back, then delete everything I’ve written and put the phone down.

Four years and six months.
